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发布时间:2019-01-10 15:12
[Abstract]:The Encyclopedia of Socio-Cultural Anthropology was compiled by Alan Barnard, professor of anthropology, and Jonathan Spencer, a British social anthropologist. The translation practice report is based on the anthropological object chapter. This chapter mainly narrates the culture created by various nationalities and analyzes various social phenomena in order to reveal the essence of human culture. It also introduces many anthropological pioneers, such as Radcliffe Brown. This section covers nationalism, society, individualism and holism, state, racism, structure-functionalism and postmodernism. The translation practice chooses this text as the target of translation in the hope that this translation can help readers learn about the important concepts and development process of sociocultural anthropology in western society. Therefore, taking the translation of cultural anthropology as an example and combining Skopos theory, the author discusses the translation strategies and translation methods that should be adopted in the translation of cultural anthropology into Chinese. The source text is a typical informative text. The translation of the text will help to deepen the translator's understanding of Skopos theory and improve his translation level. According to this translation practice, the author has written a related translation practice report. This translation practice report mainly includes five parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the definition, development and function of social and cultural anthropology to modern society, the second part is the brief introduction of translation task, which introduces the purpose and significance of the task and the structure of translation report. The third part is the description of the translation process, including the main contents of the source text, the analysis of the text types and language characteristics, and the translation theory. The fourth part is the translation case analysis. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, the paper introduces the difficulties encountered in translation practice, translation strategies and translation methods. The fifth part is a summary of translation practice, mainly summarizes the translation experience and lessons.


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