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发布时间:2019-01-18 10:43
【摘要】:长句由于成分多且复杂,一直是翻译的一大难点。英语长句体现了英语重形合的特点,且英语句子习惯把重要信息置于句首,而汉语句子则重意合,习惯将重要信息放在句尾,英汉语句子的这种差异给英语句子汉译带来了困难。比娜.阿格瓦(BinaAgarwal)是一位印度学者,其最著名的著作《安身立命的土地:南亚性别与土地权利问题》(A Field of One's Own:Gender and Land Rights in South Asia)是一部社科类专著,描述了南亚女性和土地权利之间的关系,多用长句,汉译时理解和表达都不易。但是使用合适的方法,长句汉译并不是难题,要找出句子主干,理清其他句子成分之间的逻辑关系和语意联系,在此基础上通过调整译文的长度和语序,使之逻辑严密且符合汉语表达习惯。在翻译《安身立命的土地:南亚性别与土地权利问题》第一章时,笔者使用了刘宓庆提出的部分翻译策略:包孕、切断、倒置、拆离和重组,使译文准确传达原文意思且通顺流畅。长句翻译是一个辛苦的思维过程,译者要有耐心,笔者将详细介绍这五种翻译策略在《安身立命的土地:南亚性别与土地权利问题》汉译时的应用,总结经验和发现问题,以期对今后的学习研究有所帮助。
[Abstract]:Long sentences have always been a difficult point in translation because of their many and complex components. English long sentences embody the characteristics of English hypertaxis, and English sentences tend to place important information at the beginning of sentences, while Chinese sentences emphasize parataxis, and they tend to put important information at the end of sentences. This difference in English and Chinese sentences makes it difficult to translate English sentences into Chinese. Bina. Agawa (BinaAgarwal), an Indian scholar, whose most famous book, Land for Life: gender and Land Rights in South Asia, (A Field of One's Own:Gender and Land Rights in South Asia) is a social science monograph. This paper describes the relationship between women and land rights in South Asia. However, using the appropriate method, long sentence translation is not a difficult problem. We should find out the main part of the sentence, clarify the logical relation and semantic relation among other sentence elements, and adjust the length and word order of the translation on this basis. Make it logical and in line with the Chinese expression habits. In the translation of chapter I of Land for Life: gender and Land Rights in South Asia, the author uses some of the translation strategies proposed by Liu Miqing: include pregnancy, cut off, reverse, disconnect and recombine. Make the translation convey the original meaning accurately and smoothly. Translation of long sentences is a hard thinking process and the translator should be patient. The author will introduce in detail the application of these five translation strategies in the translation of South Asian gender and Land Rights, sum up experience and find problems. It is expected to be helpful to the future study.


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