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发布时间:2019-01-22 18:28
【摘要】:商务英语写作能力很大程度上影响甚至决定着国际商务活动的进程,而商务英语教材的编写直接关系到外语商务复合型人才的培养。考虑到商务语篇的功能之一就是为了劝说,修辞的主要功能也是劝说,然而目前从修辞与劝说的角度将国内外商务英语写作教材进行对比分析的研究尚显匮乏。为了保证未来国内商务英语写作教材的编写质量,对教材中所提供的写作范例进行修辞结构与劝说力度相关性的研究值得引起足够的学术重视。本文根据商务信函的分类,随机选取国内外英文商务信函范例各30篇作为研究对象。基于William C.Mann和Sandra A.Thompson提出的修辞结构理论,通过分析这些信函的修辞结构,对比得到修辞结构关系在国内外教材范例中的分布特点。另一方面,结合30位评分者对于国内外信函劝说力度的评分,通过一系列数据分析比较二者劝说力度的大小。最后借助相关性分析,找到显著影响英文商务信函劝说力度的修辞关系。研究发现,修辞关系在国内外范例中的使用情况存在一定差异,无论从整体还是分类对比,国内外范例所使用的主要关系的种类虽大多相同,但频率和排序却不尽一致。劝说力度方面,国外范例的劝说力度得分整体上明显高于国内,而各小类细分下的评分对比结果也表明国外商务信函的劝说力度更大。在此基础上,作者对修辞关系的使用与劝说力度的分数进行了相关性分析,找到了与各类型英文商务信函的劝说力度存在显著正相关的具体修辞关系。结合数据对比,可以看出,国外范例中使用这几种修辞关系的频率明显高于国内(除个别关系例外),由此可知国外范例劝说力度高于国内的原因即在于对这些修辞关系的使用。本研究不仅拓宽了修辞结构理论的研究领域和教材对比研究的研究视角,也为国内商务英语写作教材的编写提出了建议。国内商务英语写作教材在所提供的英文商务信函写作范例中可更多地使用与劝说力度有显著相关的修辞关系,以帮助学生在今后的商务信函写作中达到更好的劝说效果。
[Abstract]:The writing ability of business English influences and even determines the process of international business activities to a great extent, and the compilation of business English textbooks is directly related to the cultivation of foreign language business talents. Considering that one of the functions of business discourse is persuasion, the main function of rhetoric is persuasion. However, there is still a lack of research on the contrastive analysis of domestic and foreign business English writing textbooks from the perspective of rhetoric and persuasion. In order to ensure the quality of writing textbooks for business English in the future, the study on the correlation between rhetorical structure and persuasion of the writing examples provided in the textbooks deserves enough academic attention. According to the classification of business letters, this paper randomly selects 30 examples of English business letters at home and abroad. Based on the rhetorical structure theory proposed by William C.Mann and Sandra A.Thompson, this paper analyzes the rhetorical structure of these letters and compares the distribution characteristics of the rhetorical structure relationship in the examples of textbooks at home and abroad. On the other hand, according to the scores of 30 raters about the persuasion intensity of letters at home and abroad, the magnitude of persuasion between the two groups is analyzed and compared by a series of data. Finally, with the help of correlation analysis, we find the rhetorical relationship that has a significant influence on the persuasion of English business letters. It is found that there are some differences in the use of rhetorical relations in the examples at home and abroad. Whether from the overall or the classification comparison, the main types of relationships used at home and abroad are mostly the same, but the frequency and ranking are not the same. In the aspect of persuasion intensity, the scores of foreign examples are obviously higher than that of domestic ones, and the comparison results also show that the persuasion of foreign business letters is stronger than that of foreign business letters. On this basis, the author analyzes the correlation between the use of rhetorical relations and the scores of persuasion, and finds out that there is a significant positive correlation between the use of rhetorical relations and the persuasion of various types of English business letters. Combined with the comparison of data, we can see that the frequency of using these rhetorical relationships in foreign examples is obviously higher than that in China (except for individual relations). Therefore, the reason why the foreign example persuasion is stronger than the domestic one is the use of these rhetorical relations. This study not only broadens the research field of rhetorical structure theory and the perspective of contrastive study of textbooks, but also provides some suggestions for the compilation of domestic business English writing textbooks. In order to help students achieve better persuasion in the future, the domestic business English writing textbooks can use more rhetoric related to the strength of persuasion in the English business letter writing examples provided.


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