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发布时间:2019-01-23 13:46
[Abstract]:Curriculum creation is a process in which teachers and students cooperate with each other in specific teaching situations to create new educational experiences. In this process, the teacher's leading role and the students' subjectivity are maximized, the curriculum content is continuously generated and transformed, and the significance of the curriculum is continuously constructed and promoted. From the perspective of curriculum creation, this study explores the curriculum creation ability of primary school English immersion teachers, and puts forward some suggestions in order to improve teachers' curriculum creation ability. Xi'an is the earliest city in China to develop English immersion teaching mode, which has a history of more than 20 years. The subjects of this study are 74 English immersion teachers from several primary schools. Through questionnaire survey, classroom observation and teaching plan analysis, the present situation of teachers' ability to create curriculum is discussed. The factors that influence the creative ability of English immersion teachers are also discussed through interviews. The results show that the curriculum creation ability of primary English immersion teachers is better, and they have better creative ability in curriculum objectives, curriculum content and curriculum implementation, but the awareness of curriculum creation of individual teachers is general. The reasons are mainly related to the professional quality of English immersion teachers, the positive communication among teachers and the development platform given by schools to English immersion teachers.


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