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发布时间:2019-02-12 15:02
[Abstract]:This paper is a Chinese-English translation report of "Jinzhou Investment Guide". As one of the important means of attracting foreign investment and creating business opportunities in Jinzhou City, there is no English translation on the government website, which makes many investment attracting projects less attended. It affects the international community's understanding of Jinzhou and hinders the internationalization of the city's enterprises. There are many differences in expressions, thinking habits and cultural backgrounds between Chinese and English. Based on this translation practice, this paper aims to explore translation methods that can effectively solve the problems of information ambiguity, logic ambiguity and lexical expression with Chinese characteristics from the perspective of Skopos principle. The "Skopos method", the core point of the Skopos principle, can solve the translation problems in these texts. In the process of translation practice, the structural reorganization method can highlight the core meaning, the annotated method can fill the lack of cross-cultural information, and the interpretation method can explain the expression with Chinese characteristics to ensure the integrity of the text and information. In short, the translator adopts the above method to explore the feasibility and practicability of effective information transmission in order to establish a good image of the city and to attract investment.


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