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发布时间:2019-02-13 10:45
[Abstract]:With the further acceleration of economic globalization, business exchanges between China and the West are becoming more and more frequent. As a necessary means to establish cross-cultural business cooperation, international business negotiation has become the cornerstone of establishing state-to-state trade relations. Interpreters are the bridge between international business negotiators and the effective guarantee for the smooth progress of international business negotiations. The interpreter not only needs to convey the information of both sides, but also to promote the negotiation process and coordinate all kinds of contradictions, play an irreplaceable role in the international business negotiation, and obtain the best negotiation effect. The particularity of international business negotiation puts forward higher requirements for international business negotiation interpreters. Therefore, it is very important to study the interpreting strategy of international business negotiation. Grice's Cooperative principle is an important research achievement in the field of pragmatics. It suggests that in order to ensure the smooth progress of conversation, both sides must abide by some basic rules, namely, the Cooperative principle of conversation and its four principles. However, in the process of international business negotiation, the negotiation parties will consciously violate the principle of cooperation because of the consideration of negotiation strategy, and at the same time, the cooperative relationship between the two parties will still exist. This requires interpreters to judge and respond effectively to various negotiation situations in the process of interpretation activities, and act as facilitators, but at the same time do not violate the negotiation strategy of negotiators. In this paper, a comparative study is carried out by using highly simulated case deduction of real negotiation scenes to observe, record and analyze the differences between professional interpreters and amateur interpreters in interpreting international business negotiations. Then combined with the four principles of cooperation to carry out the analysis. This paper not only explores the guiding role of the principle of cooperation in international business negotiations, but also explores how interpreters should make use of the four principles of the principle of cooperation to adjust their interpretation behavior in order to facilitate the smooth negotiation.


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