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发布时间:2019-02-14 19:19
[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the English translation of more than 260 ancient book names from 700 citations in the first four series of "Chinese ideological and Cultural terms". By comparing the actual meanings of the translations with the names of ancient books, this paper sums up some difficulties and countermeasures in English translation with regularity. The difficulties in translating ancient book names into English are as follows: style types; annotated names; literary and historical allusions and literary modifiers; existence of the phenomena of "synonym and reality" and "different facts of the same name"; The translator of "Chinese ideological and Cultural terms" mainly adopts the following strategies: respecting and drawing lessons from the translation achievements of Sinologists and predecessors; understanding the author's writing intention and deeply understanding the deep semantics behind the names of ancient books; If the original name can not be translated directly, the translation is allowed to make certain modifications; if necessary, the name of the document can be modified in terms of content or information; as far as possible, the ambiguity of understanding can be eliminated; and the translation name of the name of "class" is consistent as far as possible.
【作者单位】: 外语教学与研究出版社;北京师范大学;


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