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发布时间:2019-02-15 18:53
【摘要】:正任何社会人,都有着自己的文化身份。"文化身份"(cultural identity),或曰"文化认同",是斯图亚特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)等在《文化身份的问题》(Questions of Cultural Identity)(1996)一书提出的,他从主体的角度,把文化身份界定为三种不同的概念:启蒙主体、社会学主体和后现代主体。启蒙主体以核心的、统一的个体观念为基础,具有判断、自觉和行为的能力。社会学主体在自我与他人的"交互作用"中形成。主体仍
[Abstract]:Everyone in any society has his own cultural identity. " Cultural identity, "(cultural identity)," or "Cultural identity," was proposed by Stuart Hall (Stuart Hall) and others in (Questions of Cultural Identity) (1996, from the perspective of the subject. Cultural identity is defined as three different concepts: enlightening subject, sociological subject and postmodern subject. The enlightenment subject is based on the core, unified individual concept and has the ability to judge, be conscious and act. The subject of sociology is formed in the interaction between self and others. Subject still
【作者单位】: 扬州大学外国语学院;四川理工学院外语学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重点项目(批准号:15AYY003)的阶段性成果 扬州大学“高端人才支持计划”的资助成果


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5 王冠柱;Tag Questions[J];信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版);1995年03期

6 ;Keep Students Speaking in English[J];天中学刊(驻马店师专学报);1997年S1期

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3 刘洁丽;《斯图亚特·霍尔专访》翻译报告[D];暨南大学;2015年




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