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发布时间:2019-02-23 15:09
【摘要】:本翻译实践报告的原文选自《高等教育体系比较分析》(A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems HealthHealing)一书第十三章。该书探讨比较了世界各地不同的教育体系,为世界的教育事业做出了杰出的贡献。该书第十三章主要研究埃塞俄比亚的高等教育,探究其高等教育突飞猛进的原因,为国内高等教育的发展提供参考素材。本翻译报告分为四个部分。第一章简要介绍翻译报告的意义和结构,第二章主要是介绍原文文本,包括其作者和编者。第三章是报告的主要部分,阐述了本次翻译实践过程中译者使用的翻译理论、翻译过程中遇到的翻译难点以及解决办法。第四章为总结部分,总结翻译之后得到的经验以及还未解决的问题。
[Abstract]:The original text of this translation practice report is taken from Chapter 13 of (A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems HealthHealing). The book explores and compares different educational systems around the world and makes outstanding contributions to the world's education. The thirteenth chapter of the book mainly studies the higher education in Ethiopia, explores the reasons for the rapid development of higher education in Ethiopia, and provides reference materials for the development of higher education in China. This translation report is divided into four parts. The first chapter briefly introduces the meaning and structure of the translation report, the second chapter mainly introduces the original text, including its author and editor. The third chapter is the main part of the report, which describes the translation theory used by the translator in translation practice, translation difficulties encountered in the translation process and solutions. The fourth chapter is a summary of the experience gained after translation and the outstanding problems.


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1 刘良学;《高等教育体系对比分析》(第十三章)翻译实践报告[D];四川外国语大学;2017年




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