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发布时间:2019-02-27 07:18
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's openness to the outside world continues to deepen, and the frequency and scale of participating in international affairs are further expanded. With the increase in the number of economic and trade opportunities and projects between the countries of the world, international commerce is becoming an area of general concern in the academic and practical circles. Its development and expansion can greatly promote the optimization of China's economic structure and the expansion of economic advantages. It is against this background that Business English Writing emerges as the times require. Through reading this book, readers can get a deeper understanding of Westerners' writing habits and skills, but also can understand and master the differences in empirical analysis and case analysis, as well as the differences in writing thinking patterns; In the aspect of syntactic structure, the author makes a systematic introduction to the grammatical habits and syntactic habits of the westerners, especially to their goodness.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院;


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