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发布时间:2019-03-07 20:14
[Abstract]:The novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, an English woman writer, is a classic literary work of the world. The unique language charm and vivid characters in the novel moved the readers from generation to generation. In this novel, the daily communication of characters is mainly achieved through dialogue, so it is necessary to study the dialogue of characters in this novel. This paper reviews the literary research and criticism of Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights in the 19th century and modern times, and puts forward the feasibility and necessity of analyzing conversational implicature in Wuthering Heights with the theory of pragmatics of operational terms. The pragmatic theory used in this thesis is Gracie's Cooperative principle, Richie's Politeness principle and Brown's and Levinson's indirect Politeness Strategy Theory. This paper expounds these three theories in detail and explains the relationship between them, which provides a clear theoretical framework and research tools for the analysis of conversational implicature in the novel. Cooperation principle explains how conversational implicature is produced and understood, politeness principle explains the reason why people use indirect ways to express real meaning in violation of cooperative principle. Indirect politeness strategies explain the linguistic implementation of dialogue with different conversational implicature. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the conversational implicature in a large number of typical dialogues selected in Wuthering Heights by using the above pragmatic theory. This paper classifies and compares these dialogues according to the different language implementations of indirect politeness strategies in the novel. This paper mainly studies the following two issues: (1) by analyzing the dialogue between the characters in Wuthering Heights who violate the principle of cooperation, we can infer what kind of conversational implicature, and analyze the violation of the principle of cooperation between the characters. Indirect expression is used to create the cause of conversational implicature. Novel characters violate the principle of cooperation mainly in order to take into account the face of the interviewer and the politeness principle in verbal communication. In order to reduce the threat of face to the interviewer, they tend to use seemingly polite ways of speaking. We can avoid direct conflict or embarrassment by implicitly expressing our true thoughts and feelings. (2) by analyzing the conversational implicature of the characters in the novel, we can sum up the character characteristics of each character in the novel. Through the dialogue between Heathcliff and Isabella, Little Linton and Hareton, the author analyzes Heathcliff's satire and disgust towards them, and then infers that Heathcliff is a cruel, cruel and grumpy man; Through the dialogue between Catherine and Isabella, Heathcliff and Linton, it can be found that Catherine's jealousy and resentment towards Isabella, the strong love and hate for Heathcliff, and the disregard and indifference to Linton, It was thus inferred that Catherine was a selfish and vain person. The theme of love and hate in the novel is fully embodied in the conversational implicature of the dialogue between the protagonists and protagonists. This paper interprets the conversational implicature in Wuthering Heights from the perspective of pragmatics, on the one hand, it reveals the character of characters in the novel at a deeper level, thus helping readers to better understand and appreciate the novel. On the other hand, it enriches the traditional study of Emily Bronte and widens the application of pragmatics in literature.


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