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发布时间:2019-03-15 08:03
[Abstract]:For a long time, scholars have always regarded the accuracy of interpretation as the most important criterion to evaluate the quality of interpretation, while fluency has been mentioned in various comments, but there has been a lack of systematic research. This paper summarizes the previous studies and attempts to redefine "non-fluency" and classify the output of English and Chinese interpretation. Under this theoretical framework, it adopts the methods of experiment and interview. Ten students from the Advanced Translation School of Beijing University of Foreign Studies were selected as the subjects of the experiment. The experiment and one-to-one interview were conducted in a simulated English-Chinese simultaneous interpretation experiment. According to the recorded text, this paper analyzes the distribution characteristics of the non-fluency phenomenon in English and Chinese simultaneous interpretation, sums up the trigger factors according to the specific examples of translation and the contents of return visits, and puts forward the corresponding solutions. The classification of "non-fluency" output in this study is: pause, reentry correction and mouth error. Each of the three items includes sub-item classification; return correction includes appropriateness correction, repetitive information correction and error information correction; verbal error inclusion reduction, increase, consonant early / delayed, vowel early / delayed, substitute, etc. It is found that in English and Chinese simultaneous interpretation, the most frequent non-fluency types of interpreters are exhumation correction, followed by pause and finally oral error, and that the rate of speech of the interpreter is generally positively correlated with the exhumation correction and oral error. The number of errors can reflect the translator's supervision of the translation and the interpreter's energy. The factors that trigger the phenomenon of non-fluency can be divided into internal and external factors, such as the level of the translator's own ability, energy allocation and the state at that time, while the external factors include the excessive density of the source language information, the unfamiliar topic vocabulary and so on. Adjusting the speed of speech, strengthening bilingual ability training, practicing brain-splitting ability, adjusting EVS, supplementing background knowledge and preparing for full translation can help to reduce the non-fluency phenomenon.


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