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发布时间:2019-03-16 22:16
[Abstract]:Globalization has swept all over the world, cross-cultural exchanges between countries are also common, inbound tourism has become a trend. With the continuous improvement and development of material life and spiritual life, people's demand for tourism is increasing day by day. Especially after China's reform and opening up, the economy continues to develop, attracting the world's attention. More and more foreigners are interested in this mysterious country and come to China to visit scenic spots and historical monuments. Tourism is the largest cultural industry in the world. However, the language barrier has become a great obstacle to the process of cultural communication. As an indispensable language bridge in cross-cultural communication, guide interpreters play an important role. Based on the interpretation practice of accompanying two American friends to Jiaozuo Yuntai Mountain Scenic area and providing them with tour guide interpretation, this paper analyzes the practical process of tour guide interpretation which the author participates in. It includes the collection and arrangement of the relevant information before translation, the difficulties encountered in the process of interpretation by tour guides, the application of relevant interpretation techniques and the choice of strategies, as well as the analysis and summary of the detailed cases of the interpretation practice of this tour guide after translation. The author summarizes the difficulties encountered in the process of interpretation, including the treatment of culture-loaded words and poetic language. Due to the particularity of guide interpretation, it is impossible to take notes, which results in the pressure of short-term memory. There are some difficulties and shell points in the interpretation process. The author adopts the corresponding strategies, such as compensation strategy, repair strategy, deletion, generalization and so on, when interpreting on-the-spot. This report combines the relevant theoretical research with the author's interpretation practice, summarizes their own gains and losses, and hopes that the author's practical experience in guide interpretation and relevant coping methods can provide reference for other interpreting learners. I hope to contribute to the follow-up guide interpreters to improve the quality of interpretation to contribute their own strength.


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