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发布时间:2019-03-17 14:43
[Abstract]:One of the main objectives of college English teaching reform is to improve students' communicative competence, and communicative intention is the most direct factor that determines whether learners will participate in second language communication or not. By means of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, a questionnaire survey and individual interviews were conducted to investigate the willingness to communicate among 443 second-grade higher vocational college students who participated in the reform of college English teaching in Jiangxi province. The research shows that the students' English communicative willingness is generally low; The most important factors influencing communicative intention are students' English proficiency, their surroundings, classroom atmosphere and personality factors. The effect of a series of activities carried out by the college English teaching reform on enhancing communicative intention needs to be improved. In order to improve the students' English communicative intention, we should strengthen the students' English basic knowledge learning in class, and carry out more activities which accord with the students' English level after class.
【作者单位】: 江西科技师范大学;
【基金】:全国高校外语教学科研项目“大学英语教学改革背景下的高职学生英语交际意愿研究”(编号:JX-0010-A),主持人:肖称萍 江西科技师范大学校级一般项目“大学英语改革背景下的学生英语交际意愿研究”(编号:2015XJYB007),主持人:魏雨


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