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发布时间:2019-03-26 18:25
[Abstract]:Secondary vocational school students are generally weak in English and lack the opportunity to use English in their daily life and study. Therefore, they often remain silent or have low enthusiasm in facing teachers' questions in English classes, and their enthusiasm for group discussions is limited. Even if you know the answer, you avoid talking about it. The silence behavior of secondary vocational school students in English classroom makes it impossible for teachers to know the students' cognition and feelings in time, so even if they have the idea of enriching classroom teaching methods, they cannot be successfully implemented because of the students' insufficient cooperation. This also brings obstacles to teachers' teaching evaluation and adjustment of teaching progress. Through this study, the author tries to find out the present situation and the causes of students' silence in English classroom. In this paper, students from * schools are introduced as the object of the questionnaire survey, and 40 students and their English teachers in a class are randomly selected as interview and observation objects. Using the methods of observation, questionnaire analysis and interview, this paper analyzes the classroom teaching, learning and silence performance of students and teachers, and draws the conclusion that the factors that affect students' classroom silence are "active silence" caused by students' own level of silence. Teacher-level "passive silence" and other factors. In view of the problems found in this study, starting with teachers, students, schools and other aspects, this paper tries to put forward a way to break the deadlock of English classroom silence among secondary vocational school students. First of all, teachers need to change the traditional teaching concept, create an active classroom atmosphere, achieve pragmatic functions, skillfully increase professional knowledge, introduce information-based teaching, and skillfully build a classroom community; Secondly, at the level of students, it is necessary to introduce competition mechanism, promote the sense of cooperation, enrich class English culture and change the single evaluation mode; finally, expand the extracurricular curriculum resources, encourage the development of school-based teaching materials and promote the transformation of knowledge, and enrich the students' knowledge vision.


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