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发布时间:2019-03-27 20:38
【摘要】:本翻译实践报告是基于翻译Robots Rule(《机器人当道》)(暂定名)写作而成。该书是英国作家C.J.Richards的作品,是机器人三部曲第一部,属于儿童科幻文学。儿童科幻文学作品构思奇特,语言活泼,深受儿童的喜欢,对于培养儿童的创新思维,提高儿童的好奇心和求知欲具有重要意义。但是,在中国儿童科幻作品的翻译起步较晚,目前有对科幻儿童小说翻译的研究尚不够深入。本报告以尤金·奈达的功能对等理论为指导,以儿童科幻小说Robots Rule的翻译案例为素材,探讨这类小说的翻译方法。本研究主要是在词汇和句法两个层面展开。通过研究和分析发现,从词汇层面主要使用的翻译方法包括词类转换、音译、增词和省略等;在句法层面使用的主要翻译方法包括直译、意译、拆分、重组、逆序和正反表达等。本翻译报告验证了奈达功能对等理论对翻译儿童科幻小说的指导作用,也归纳出了翻译中经常使用的方法,具有一定的理论和实践意义。
[Abstract]:This translation practice report is based on the translation of Robots Rule (tentative name). This book is the British writer C.J.Richards 's work, is the robot trilogy's first, belongs to children's science fiction literature. Children's sci-fi literature has a peculiar conception and lively language, which is very popular with children. It is of great significance to cultivate children's creative thinking and to improve their curiosity and curiosity. However, in China, the translation of children's sci-fi works started relatively late, the current research on the translation of sci-fi children's novels is not deep enough. Under the guidance of Eugene Nida's theory of functional equivalence, this paper explores the translation methods of children's science fiction Robots Rule based on the case study of children's sci-fi fiction translation. This study is mainly carried out at the lexical and syntactic levels. Through the research and analysis, it is found that the main translation methods used at the lexical level include part-of-speech conversion, transliteration, additions and ellipsis, etc. The main translation methods used at the syntactic level include literal translation, free translation, splitting, recombination, reverse ordering and positive and negative expression. The present translation report verifies the guiding role of Nida's theory of functional equivalence in the translation of children's science fiction, and sums up the methods often used in translation, which is of theoretical and practical significance.


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