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发布时间:2019-04-02 03:00
[Abstract]:Different from the cross-linguistic empirical study of TC, which is based on the translation of parallel texts. We use the parallel text of "brother-sister matching", which expresses the same motif and plot as TC, to study the coding commonality of the 13 representative national languages in the south of China, which express the same motif and plot as the parallel text of "brother-sister match", which represents the same motif and plot. And the relationship between three kinds of macro events ~ ([16]) ([17]) covering these types of situations. Through qualitative induction and multivariate (multivariate) statistical analysis, five regional commonalities and three linguistic characteristics of macro events are obtained. The macro-event domain of national languages in southern China presents the semantic continuum of "movement-state change-realization", and the means of expression presents the formal continuum of "single verb-non-continuous complex predicate-continuous action" (generality 4, 5). In the expression of sports events, it is more likely to use continuous action (generality 1), which is the result of regional convergence.
【作者单位】: 常熟理工学院人文学院;
【基金】:朱拉隆功大学(Chulalongkom University)Rachadapisek Sompot博士后基金支持


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