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发布时间:2019-04-02 18:00
【摘要】:英语课堂教学越来越受关注,许多研究已经从不同角度对高中英语常规课堂做了深入研究。相较而言,对于高中英语赛课比赛中的优质课堂和实习生课堂教学的综合对比分析相对缺乏。不同于常规课堂,这两种特殊类型的课堂有着不同的值得研究的特点。这些课堂教学值得普通英语教师,特别是新手教师和英语师范生研究和学习,以提高其英语教学能力和他们的课堂质量。以Lansern Freeman,Long (1991)和刘学惠(2005)提出的课堂教师话语分析框架为基础,本研究着重研究优质课堂和实习生课堂中中教师的互动特点。具体来说,研究的是优质课堂中师生话语量比、互动模式和教师提问类型方面。本研究以江苏省某高中英语教学比赛中三位参赛教师和三位即将毕业的研究生为研究对象,通过观察其教学视频,采用质性分析和量性分析的手段对六节课进行对比分析和案例分析以探讨一下三个问题:1.高中英语优质课堂与实习生课堂在师生话语量方面有何差异?2.高中英语优质课堂与实习生课堂在师生互动模式方面有何差异?3.高中英语优质课堂与实习生课堂在教师提问方面有何差异?本研究发现,第一,在师生话语量方面,优质课堂中教师话语量明显低于实习生课堂教师话语量。在优质课堂中,学生有更多时间使用英语。第二,在师生互动模式方面,优质课堂中教师更多使用更为复杂的IRF互动模式,而在实习生课堂中,简化的IRF模式为主要的互动模式。但是,在两种课堂中,教师在互动方面都存在或多或少的不足需要改进。第三,在教师提问方面,两种课堂中均为展示性问题占主导,但实习生课堂中展示性问题的比率比优质课课堂中的展示性问题比率多10%左右,这都是与二语习得专家所建议的做法相违背的。一方面,本研究揭示了高中英语优质课堂的一些特点,能够为这类课堂不同方面的研究引起更多关注。另一方面,本研究也为普通英语教师和英语师范生提供了一些既适用于常规课堂,也适用于赛课的启示和建议。
[Abstract]:More and more attention has been paid to English classroom teaching. Many studies have done in-depth research on conventional English classroom in senior high school from different angles. In contrast, there is a lack of comprehensive comparative analysis of high-quality classroom and intern classroom teaching in English competition of senior high school. Different from the conventional classroom, these two special types of classroom have different characteristics which deserve to be studied. These classroom teaching is worthy of research and study by ordinary English teachers, especially novice teachers and English normal students, in order to improve their English teaching ability and their classroom quality. Based on the framework of teacher discourse analysis proposed by Lansern Freeman,Long (1991) and Liu Xuehui (2005), this study focuses on the interactive characteristics of teachers in high quality classroom and intern class. Specifically, the teacher-student discourse ratio, interactive model and teacher-teacher question type in high quality classroom are studied. In this study, three teachers and three graduate students in a high school English teaching competition in Jiangsu Province were studied by observing their teaching videos. By means of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, a comparative analysis and a case study of six classes are carried out to explore three problems: 1. What is the difference between high school English quality class and intern classroom in terms of teacher-student speaking quantity? 2. What are the differences between high school English quality classroom and intern classroom in teacher-student interaction mode? 3. What is the difference between high school English quality class and intern class in teachers' questions? The findings are as follows: firstly, in terms of teacher-student speaking quantity, the teacher speaking quantity in high-quality classroom is obviously lower than that in intern class. In high quality classes, students have more time to use English. Second, in the aspect of teacher-student interaction model, teachers use more complex IRF interaction mode in high-quality classroom, while in interns class, simplified IRF mode is the main interaction mode. However, in both classes, there are more or less deficiencies in the interaction between teachers. Third, in terms of teachers' questions, both classes are dominated by demonstration questions, but the ratio of demonstrated questions in interns is about 10% higher than that in high-quality classes. This is contrary to the approach recommended by second language acquisition experts. On the one hand, this study reveals some characteristics of high school English quality classroom, which can attract more attention for the study of different aspects of this kind of classroom. On the other hand, this study also provides some enlightenments and suggestions for ordinary English teachers and English normal students to be suitable for both routine and competition classes.


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