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发布时间:2019-04-12 16:44
【摘要】:此次翻译实践笔者选取了由著名学者科林S.C.霍斯(Colin S.C.Hawes)编纂的《中国企业文化转型》(The Chinese Transformation of Corporate Culture)一书中的第三章“企业文化宣传”(Corporate culture propaganda campaigns)和第四章“以企业刊物为载体,促进企业文化发展,培育员工敬业精神”(Corporate magazines as a vehicle for promoting corporate culture and cultivating employees)的部分作为翻译材料。该书主要是从一个西方学者的角度出发来全面审视中国特色的企业文化。它为我们客观了解中国企业文化的优缺点提供了诸多有益的参考。其中第三章主要讲述了中国企业在开展文化宣传过程中所采用的特殊手段和方法,如创作企业之歌,举办集体婚礼等;第四章则重点介绍了中国企业刊物在提升企业文化和培养员工中是如何发挥作用的。原文本为议论型文本,目标读者主要为特定的企业家或研究学者。对此,宏观上笔者选取了德国功能派中的目的论(Skopostheory)作为理论指导。在文化层面上,针对读者的阅读期待,笔者对于文中涉及到的中西方意识形态差异均采取异化(Foreignizing Translation)策略进行处理。而针对汉语读者的阅读习惯,在语言层面上,笔者采取了意译(Free Translation)为主的策略。对于原文本中出现的大量引用文章,笔者采取了回译(Back Translation)的策略来保证翻译的准确性。另外,对于原文作者因为对中国文化缺少了解而引起的表达错误,笔者在翻译过程中均根据“忠诚原则(Loyalty Principle)”予以改正。通过此次实践,笔者不仅在翻译能力上有了进一步的提升,同时学习到了许多有关中国企业文化的知识。这让笔者认识到良好的翻译不仅需要精湛的技巧也必须要有相关的专业知识。
[Abstract]:In this translation practice, the author chooses the famous scholar Colin S.C. Chapter 3, "Corporate Culture propaganda" (Corporate culture propaganda campaigns) and Chapter IV, "Transformation of Chinese Corporate Culture," edited by Colin S.C.Hawes, promotes the development of corporate culture by taking corporate journals as carriers. Cultivate employee professionalism "part of (Corporate magazines as a vehicle for promoting corporate culture and cultivating employees) is used as a translation material. The book is mainly from the perspective of a western scholar to comprehensively examine the corporate culture with Chinese characteristics. It provides us with many useful references for us to understand the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese corporate culture objectively. The third chapter mainly describes the special means and methods used by Chinese enterprises in the process of cultural propaganda, such as the creation of corporate songs, the holding of collective weddings and so on. The fourth chapter focuses on how Chinese enterprise journals play a role in promoting corporate culture and training employees. The original text is argumentative text, the target readers are mainly specific entrepreneurs or research scholars. In view of this, the author chooses the Skopos Theory (Skopostheory) in German functionalism as the theoretical guidance. On the cultural level, in view of the readers' reading expectations, the author adopts the dissimilation (Foreignizing Translation) strategy to deal with the ideological differences between China and the West. In view of the reading habits of Chinese readers, on the linguistic level, the author adopts the strategy of free translation (Free Translation). For a large number of cited articles in the original text, the author adopts the strategy of backtranslation of (Back Translation) to ensure the accuracy of translation. In addition, in the process of translation, the author corrects the errors caused by the lack of understanding of Chinese culture. In the process of translation, the author corrects them according to the "loyalty principle (Loyalty Principle)". Through this practice, the author not only has further improved the translation ability, but also learned a lot of knowledge about Chinese corporate culture. This makes the author realize that good translation requires not only exquisite skills but also relevant professional knowledge.


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8 记者 邱s,




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