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发布时间:2019-04-13 10:52
[Abstract]:Literature is an important carrier of language and culture and a form of artistic presentation. It is one of the important links that can not be ignored in English teaching. Since Anglo-American literature is a compulsory course for English majors in China, there are many kinds of teaching materials on English-American literature in the market, but there is a lack of proper evaluation standards and systems. Literary learning has its particularity, which makes literary learning textbooks different from other language learning textbooks in design and compilation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the problems related to the evaluation of English literature teaching materials. This study is divided into three parts. Firstly, on the basis of reviewing the previous studies in this field, this paper summarizes the theoretical criteria for evaluating English literature textbooks. Then, this paper investigates the needs of 106 English majors and 237 English majors who are studying or just completing the course of English literature. The subjects' point of view proved and supplemented each other to the theoretical standard. After that, combined with the theoretical standards and the results of the practical needs analysis, this paper constructs a practical evaluation standard for the English literature teaching materials used by Chinese English majors. It will also be used to evaluate two sets of newly published English literature textbooks for students majoring in English-the English Literature (revised edition) and American Literature (revised edition) published by the Foreign language Teaching and Research Publishing House in 2010. And the selected Reading of English Literature and American Literature published by Anhui University Press in 2013. This study attempts to construct a systematic evaluation standard for English literature textbooks which includes learners' needs in order to reveal the shortcomings of current English literature textbooks. This set of evaluation criteria is the first set of evaluation criteria in the field of English literature textbooks. Although it is not perfect enough, it is hoped that it can provide some enlightenment for the relevant research on English literature textbooks evaluation. At the same time, this paper also provides a valuable reference for the compilation and development of English literature teaching materials.


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