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发布时间:2019-04-15 11:41
[Abstract]:In the framework of language planning, the TOEFL examination in the United States serves as a wide range of social roles, such as the practice of American English, the international promotion of English, the backstepping of second language acquisition, the norm of evaluation standards, and the image endorsement of English. We should learn from TOEFL test and accelerate the socialization of English test from the background of national language planning. At the policy level of language testing, English testing should be included in the national language planning, the value orientation of English testing should be clarified, and the research and development of English testing standards should be accelerated. At the level of testing practice, the national English proficiency level test should be launched as soon as possible, the third party test should be carried out, the English test should be incorporated into the system of language service industry, reference staff should be socialized and the test frequency should be increased.
【作者单位】: 江苏工程职业技术学院教务处;


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