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发布时间:2019-04-16 09:16
【摘要】:英语结果构式在句法和语义上显示出多样性,是一个由家族相似性结合而成的大家族。英语不及物结果构式作为该家族中的一员,继承了英语结果构式的部分句法、语义特征,同时保留了自身的独特性。许多语言学家从句法或语义的角度对不及物结果构式展开了研究,然而这对于该句式的全面解释是远远不够的。本文以构式语法为视角,将结果构式视为形义匹配体来探究其语义特征和允准问题。本文尝试整合Hans C. Boas的事件语义框架理论和Adele E.Goldberg的论元结构构式,提出整合模型。整合模型取二者之长避其所短。整合模型既考虑动词框架语义的作用,又考虑构式作为独立语法单位所具有的功能。整合模型清晰地展示出动词和构式在英语不及物结果构式允准问题上的互动和各自发挥的不同作用。对英语不及物结果构式的分类和分析是达到对其全面认识的前提。句法形式上,英语不及物结果构式呈现为两大类:一类是S+Vi+FO+RP即由假宾语充当动后语的不及物结果构式;另一类是S+Vi+RP即没有动后语的不及物结果构式。语义上,每类不及物结果构式又各自具有复杂性和多样性,可继续再分。由于假宾语F0可由名词短语或反身代词充当,S+Vi+FO+RP可进一步分为:S+Vi+NP+RP和S+Vi+Oneself+RP。在S+Vi+RP中,因RP的语义指向既可以是主语位置上的名词短语又可以是隐含的宾语,所以进一步分为S+Vi+RP(subject NP hosting)和 S+Vi+RP (implicit object hosting)。本文对该四小类英语不及物结果构式的语义特征进行了剖析并在此基础上利用整合模型分析它们的允准问题。对于S+Vi+FO+RP,本文发现假宾语和结果短语之间的语义关系十分紧密,两者具有同现规律。关于假宾语的征用问题,本文提出两条允准原则:致使一致原则和规约性原则。同现规律和两条允准原则是S+Vi+FO+RP独特性的具体体现。对于S+Vi+RP,本文发现RP的语义指向出现在不同句法位置上,而同一句法位置上的语义指向和动词的关系也不同。
[Abstract]:English result construction is a large family composed of family similarity, which shows diversity in syntax and semantics. English intransitive result construction, as a member of the family, inherits some syntactic and semantic features of the English result construct, while preserving its own uniqueness. Many linguists have studied intransitive result constructions from the perspective of syntax or semantics, but this is far from enough for the overall interpretation of the sentence. In this paper, from the perspective of construction grammar, the resulting construction is regarded as a figurative ligand to explore its semantic features and tolerance. This paper attempts to integrate the event semantic framework theory of Hans C. Boas and the argument structure of Adele E.Goldberg, and puts forward the integration model. The integration model takes the advantages of both of them to avoid their weaknesses. The integration model considers not only the function of verb frame semantics, but also the function of construction as an independent grammatical unit. The integration model clearly shows the interaction and different roles of verbs and constructions in the English intransitive result construction. The classification and analysis of English intransitive result construction is the premise to achieve a comprehensive understanding of it. Syntactically, the intransitive result construction of English can be divided into two categories: one is the intransitive result construction of S Vi FO RP, that is, an intransitive result construction of a pseudo-object, and the other is an intransitive result construction of S Vi RP, that is, an intransitive result construction of an intransitive post-verb. Semantically, each class of intransitive result constructs has its own complexity and diversity, and can continue to be subdivided. Because the false object F0 can be used as a, S Vi FO RP by a noun phrase or a reflexive pronoun, it can be further divided into: S Vi NP RP and S Vi Oneself RP.. In S Vi RP, since the semantic orientation of RP can be either a noun phrase in the subject position or an implicit object, it is further divided into S Vi RP (subject NP hosting) and S Vi RP (implicit object hosting). In this paper, the semantic features of these four types of intransitive result constructions are analyzed, and on the basis of the analysis of the semantic features of these four types of English intransitive result structures, they are analyzed by means of the integration model. For S Vi FO RP, we find that the semantic relationship between false object and result phrase is very close, and both of them have co-occurrence rule. As to the requisition of false object, this paper puts forward two principles of permissibility: the principle of concordance of causation and the principle of prescriptive. The law of co-occurrence and the two principles of permission are the specific embodiment of the uniqueness of S Vi FO RP. For S Vi RP, we find that the semantic orientation of RP appears in different syntactic positions, and the relationship between semantic orientation and verb in the same syntactic position is also different.


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