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发布时间:2019-04-18 21:05
[Abstract]:As a branch of sci-tech English, popular science English plays a more and more important role in introducing advanced science and technology abroad, introducing large-scale engineering projects and publicizing and popularizing science popularization knowledge. In recent years, a large number of popular science works from abroad have poured into our country. Due to the lack of corresponding theoretical guidance and specific translation methods, there are a lot of problems in the works. The author selected seven energy-related articles from Scientific American and completed the translation practice report. The present report is divided into five parts. The first part briefly introduces the background, purpose and significance of the report; the second part is the task description, including the introduction of the original text and the target reader; the third part is the translation process, including pre-translation, translation and quality control. Before translation, the author focuses on Nida's theory of functional equivalence; the fourth part is a case study. In this process, the author discusses the translation of polysemous and proper nouns, passive sentences, attributive clauses and long and difficult sentences, and the fifth part is a summary. Through this translation practice report, the author's thoughts and achievements are as follows: first, popular science articles have their own uniqueness, so the translation should not only maintain the scientific nature of the original text, but also have the flavor of life. Second, in the process of translation, the author encounters a lot of difficult problems, such as the understanding of difficult words and the analysis of long difficult sentences. On this basis, the author should have the ability to analyze problems and the spirit of innovation.


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