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发布时间:2019-04-23 16:51
[Abstract]:Mr. Lu Gusun is a renowned lexicographer, dictionary writer, translator and literary researcher at home and abroad. His suggestions and opinions on Chinese students' foreign language learning methods and teachers' foreign language teaching methods undoubtedly have important reference value for us to think about the theory of foreign language teaching with Chinese characteristics. This paper reviews Mr. Lu's views and opinions on foreign language teaching in order to provide guidance and reference for us to inherit the rational teaching methods in traditional foreign language teaching and construct the theory of foreign language teaching with Chinese characteristics. Lu Gusun's main views and opinions on foreign language teaching include: (1) Foreign language learning should "play down a little utilitarian purpose", so that students can enjoy foreign language learning; (2) in the process of foreign language teaching, we should pay attention to the simultaneous development of students' language ability and thinking ability, (3) the input of foreign language learning should increase the content of "touching people", (4) "mechanical imitation" should not be ruled out in foreign language learning; (5) Foreign language learning should be compared with mother tongue; (6) Foreign language learning needs to know the history of target language.
【作者单位】: 上海外国语大学;


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