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发布时间:2019-04-24 00:16
【摘要】:我国的股票市场起步于上个世纪80年代,新世纪以来股票市场逐渐扩大,市场参与人数也越来越多。目前,股票投资的主力军是有一定财富积累的中年人,而包括笔者在内的千禧一代在股票市场却是观望不前。究其原因主要有以下两个:一是千禧一代在投资方面态度十分保守,虽然想获得高额利润,却不愿意承担风险;二是包括笔者在内的千禧一代有关股票投资方面的知识储备不足,缺少相应的指导,所以不敢贸然行动。因此,笔者选取了来自美国的80后作家Patrick O’shaughnessy撰写的Millennial Money:How Young Investors Can Build a Fortune一书作为翻译材料。该书一开始就阐述了为什么说千禧一代拥有参与投资的最大优势—年轻,随后通过大量研究案例阐述了年轻投资者最容易犯的错误以及避免错误的方法。此外,书中还介绍了三个最重要的投资原则,从80后的视角为千禧一代提供了如何快速积累财富的好建议。与其他同主题的著作不同,该书语言平实易懂,生动有趣,说服力强。笔者与另外两位同学合译该著作,全书一共分为十个章节,笔者负责第7-8章的翻译,字数为10000左右。本翻译实践报告分为四个部分,分别为任务描述、过程描述、案例分析和实践总结。笔者在翻译股票投资方面的文本时,发现可以采取省略、转换、重复、增译、倒装等方法来处理翻译难点,从而达到既忠实于原文又易于译入语读者的理解与认识的目的。案例分析以翻译实践的原文和译本为基础,选取了相应的例子,从翻译中遇到的问题及运用的翻译方法等方面展开具体分析。笔者希望通过此次实践,一方面提高自身翻译水平,能够有效运用所学翻译方法来解决翻译过程中遇到的问题;另一方面,也希望在这个股市动荡的时期给年轻的投资者们介绍一本实用易懂的学习著作,帮助他们从迷惘困惑中寻找到正确的理财之道。
[Abstract]:China's stock market started in the 1980s. Since the new century, the stock market has gradually expanded, and the number of participants in the market is also increasing. At present, the main force of stock investment is the middle-aged people with certain wealth accumulation, but the millennials, including the author, are unable to wait and see in the stock market. The main reasons are as follows: first, millennials are very conservative in their investment, but they are unwilling to take risks even if they want to get high profits; Second, the millennials, including the author, have insufficient knowledge reserves on stock investment and lack corresponding guidance, so they dare not act hastily. Therefore, the author chooses Millennial Money:How Young Investors Can Build a Fortune, a post-80s writer from the United States, as a translation material. The book begins with an account of why millennials have the greatest advantage of investing-youth, and then uses a number of research cases to illustrate the mistakes that young investors make most easily and how to avoid them. In addition, the book also introduces three of the most important investment principles, from the perspective of the post-80s to provide millennials with good advice on how to quickly accumulate wealth. Unlike other works on the same subject, the book is plain, interesting and persuasive. The author and two other students co-translated the book, the book is divided into ten chapters, the author is responsible for the translation of chapters 7-8, the number of words is about 10000. This translation practice report is divided into four parts: task description, process description, case analysis and practice summary. In translating stock investment texts, the author finds that the translation difficulties can be dealt with by means of ellipsis, conversion, repetition, augmentation and inversion, so as to achieve the purpose of being faithful to the original text and easy to understand and understand the target language readers. The case study is based on the translation practice of the original text and translation, and the corresponding examples are selected to analyze the problems encountered in translation and the translation methods used in translation. The author hopes that through this practice, on the one hand, to improve the level of translation, and to effectively use the translation methods learned to solve the problems encountered in the process of translation; On the other hand, it is also hoped to introduce a practical and understandable study book to young investors in this turbulent period of stock market to help them find the right way to manage money from the perplexity.


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