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发布时间:2019-04-30 19:11
[Abstract]:The introduction of the English version of the bank has become an important measure for domestic banks to participate in international competition and share international financial resources. At the same time, it has become an important way to spread the Chinese culture, and has been paid more and more attention by domestic banks and scholars. The domestic bank profile contains a strong Chinese culture, because the Chinese customers know the cultural information, so the bank profile often omits the cultural information, which undoubtedly constitutes a cultural default for foreign customers who mainly rely on English culture. In order for the target readers to have an accurate and coherent understanding of the bank profile, it is necessary for the translator to compensate for the cultural default in his / her English translation. The English version of the bank profile is mainly written for foreign customers, so the translator should consider the target readers and pay attention to the target readers' understanding and acceptance of the target text when compensating for the default culture. Reception aesthetics focuses on readers, pays attention to readers, attaches importance to the literary criticism theory of readers' acceptance and response to texts, and enlightens the translator to pay attention to the target readers in translation practice. It provides a new perspective and theoretical guidance for the study of cultural default and compensation strategy in the introduction of domestic banks. Taking reception aesthetics as the theoretical framework and domestic bank profile as the corpus, this paper mainly studies the cultural default and compensation strategy of the English translation of the bank profile. Firstly, it explores the specific cultural default phenomenon in the English translation of the bank profile, and probes into the political default. Language defaults, historical defaults and social defaults create obstacles to the translation of bank profiles. Secondly, according to the principle of reception aesthetics, four principles of compensation for cultural defaults are put forward. On the basis of following the principle of compensation, eight corresponding compensation strategies are found, which is expected to be beneficial to the related research in the future. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the research background, research significance, research problems, research methods and the structure framework of this paper. The second chapter is a literature review. First, it discusses the introduction of banks, including domestic bank profiles and translation of domestic bank profiles. Secondly, it combs the domestic and foreign studies on cultural defaults. Finally, the application of reception aesthetics in the field of translation is sorted out at home and abroad. The third chapter is a theoretical framework, which systematically describes the theory of reception aesthetics, and interprets the four important concepts of expectation vision, vision fusion, aesthetic distance and summons structure. Finally, it studies the application of reception aesthetics in the translation of bank introductions into English. The fourth chapter is the main body of this paper, the fourth chapter analyzes the cultural default in the English translation of domestic bank profiles in detail, and explores the cultural defaults in the political, linguistic, historical and social aspects of the English translation of bank profiles. This paper summarizes the generation mechanism and the importance of compensation of culture default in the translation of bank profiles. The fifth chapter discusses the cultural default compensation strategies in English translation of bank introduction from the perspective of reception aesthetics theory, such as ellipsis, annotation, supplement, interpretation and so on, and puts forward four compensation principles which are closely related to reception aesthetics mechanism. Such as the realization of vision fusion and shorten the aesthetic distance and so on. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, summarizes the full text, points out the research results of this paper, the shortcomings and the suggestions of related research in the future.


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