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发布时间:2019-05-06 13:09
【摘要】:作为影响学习成效的因素,二语动机研究近几十年已成为二语习得研究的一个重要领域。D(?)rnyei等学者(如D(?)rnyei,2005;D(?)rnyeiUshioda,2011;BooD(?)rnyei,2015)将二语动机理论研究划分为三个阶段:20世纪90年代之前的社会心理范式动机研究时期,20世纪90年代至21世纪初期动机研究的重组时期(以现代认知理论和教育心理学理论为主要理论支撑),以及始于2005年的二语动机自我系统研究时期。在上述D(?)rnyei对于动机研究理论的宽泛划分中,尽管各个阶段的动机理论似乎迥然不同,但理论之间亦有所重叠与继承。如第二研究阶段中的期望价值理论与第三阶段的二语动机自我系统理论,两个理论均源于教育心理研究,同时在成就动机研究中的统治地位又互有承接。具体而言,1964年在心理学领域Atkinson提出了经典期望价值理论,这是第一个系统的将期望与价值结合起来的成就动机理论,并在二十世纪六十年代初至二十世纪八十年代初的近二十年中在成就动机研究中占据了统治地位。二十世纪八十年代末,Eccles(1987;1994)将期望与价值建构精细化,并且将其与更广泛的社会文化因素相联系,提出了现代期望价值模式。进入21世纪后,二语动机研究也逐渐进入了新的研究阶段。随着英语影响力在世界范围内的愈发强大,经典动机理论慢慢难以解释全球背景下的二语习得动机,因为英语业已成为世界范围内所需要学习的外语,二语学习者不再仅仅拥有融入型英语动机,更尝试建立“双文化”认同(Lamber,2004)。因此,D(?)rnyei(2005)为弥补经典动机理论在现今时代的理论缺陷,借鉴了心理学领域Markus和Nurius(1986)的“可能自我”概念,在最新的二语动机理论,即“二语动机自我系统”理论中,提出了“理想二语自我”概念。“理想二语自我”是指二语学习者从情感和认知角度,对于未来自我二语水平的一种愿景建构。D(?)rnyei(2015)指出,三阶段二语动机理论的发展并非是在线性规律下简单的理论更迭或替换,而是在旧理论不断修正,新、旧理论不断互动交流的前提下,逐渐推动二语动机研究的进步。因此结合不同阶段理论概念进行对比研究,将有助于我们更加全面地理解二语动机。另一方面,二语动机作为最具有能动性的学习者因素之一,从学习者角度探讨学习过程中的动机对学习成绩的影响,一直是学者所关注的重要方面。鉴于此,本文将以实证研究的方法,挑选第二、三阶段动机研究的重点理论概念,即期望价值与理想二语自我,探寻期望价值与理想二语自我对英语成绩产生的影响,并探讨这一过程中两个不同阶段动机理论之间的继承性和相关性,以期帮助我国教学工作者更好地了解大学生外语学习动机心理的特点,为我国二语学习者二语学习动机的培养提供理论依据。具体研究问题如下:(1)大学生二语期望、价值和理想自我情况如何?(2)不同学科和性别之间的大学生的二语期望、价值和理想自我是否存在差异?(3)大学生二语期望价值和理想自我对大学英语六级统考成绩有何影响?本研究以定量为主,定性为辅。通过随机整群抽样抽取山东农业大学三年级332名文科、理科及工科学生作为被试,各学科专业分别为行政、法律、材料化学、生物技术、机械电子工程和建筑学专业,所有学生均参加了2016年6月份的大学英语六级考试。研究数据收集工具为老师在英语课堂前发放的《大学生英语学习动机问卷》,问卷回收后,将收集到的数据全部输入计算机,首先使用SPSS 16.0软件对大学生的理想二语自我、期望与价值进行描述性统计,其次分别以独立样本T检验、单元方差分析的方法进行性别、学科间的动机差异比较,最后借以相关和回归分析探究理想二语自我、期望价值对大学英语六级成绩的影响。此外,在获取问卷调查结果之后,作者选取了12位被试进行访谈,以获取定性数据,进一步详细了解大学生的英语学习动机情况。研究结果显示:1)大学生在二语学习价值方面均居于较高水平,在理想二语自我和能力期望方面处于中上水平;2)性别对大学生的英语学习能力期望、价值和理想自我产生了显著影响,女生显著高于男生;3)学科差异对二语期望和理想自我均产生显著影响,然而在主观任务价值方面学科差异不明显;4)大学生英语六级成绩与其理想二语自我、期望价值呈显著正相关关系,同时相比期望价值,理想二语自我对于英语六级成绩变化的解释力更强。
[Abstract]:As a factor that affects learning effectiveness, the study of second language motivation has become an important area of second language acquisition research in recent decades. D (?) rniyei et al. (e.g. D (?) rniyei,2005; D (?) rniyiUshioda,2011; BooD (?) rniyei, In 2015, the study of the theory of second language motivation is divided into three stages: the research period of the social psychology paradigm before the 1990s, the reorganization period of the motive research in the early 1990s to the early 21st century (supported by the modern cognitive theory and the theory of educational psychology), And the second language motivation self-system research period in 2005. In the broad division of the above-mentioned D (?) rniyei's theory of motivation research, although the motivation theory of each stage seems to be very different, there is also overlap and inheritance between the theories. Such as the expectation value theory in the second research stage and the second language motivation self-system theory of the third stage, the two theories are derived from the study of educational psychology, and the dominant position in the research of achievement motivation is also received. In particular, in 1964, Atkinson presented the classical expectation value theory, which is the achievement motivation theory that combines the expectation and the value of the first system, In the last two decades of the early 1960 's and early 1980s, the study of achievement motivation has dominated the study of achievement motivation. In the end of the 1980s, Ecclees (1987;1994) set expectations and values to be refined and linked it to a broader social and cultural factor and put forward a model of modern expected value. After the 21st century, the study of second language motivation has also gradually entered a new stage of research. As the influence of English is more and more powerful in the world, the classical motivation theory is hard to explain the motivation of second language acquisition in the global context, because English has become a foreign language that needs to be studied in the world, and second language learners do not only have an integrated English motivation, More attempts to establish "double culture" identity (Lamber,2004). Therefore, D (?) rniyei (2005), in order to make up the theoretical defects of the classical motivation theory in the present age, draws on the "may self" concept of Markus and Nurius (1986) in the field of psychology, and puts forward the "ideal second language self" concept in the latest theory of second language motivation, that is, the "second language motivation self-system" theory. The "ideal second language self" refers to a kind of vision construction of the second language learner from the angle of emotion and cognition and for the future self-language level. D (?) rniyei (2015) points out that the development of the theory of second language motivation in the three-stage is not a simple theoretical change or replacement under the linear law, but it gradually promotes the progress of the research of the second language motivation under the premise that the old theory is constantly revised, the new and the old theory are constantly interactive and communication. The comparative study of the concept of different stages will help us to understand the second language motivation more fully. On the other hand, the second language motivation is one of the most active learner factors, and the influence of the motivation on the learning achievement in the learning process from the learner's point of view has been an important aspect of the scholars' attention. In view of this, the paper will select the key theory concept of the second and three-stage motivation research, that is, the expectation value and the ideal second language self, to explore the influence of the desired value and the ideal second language self-respect English result, This paper also discusses the inheritance and correlation between the two different stage motivation theories in this process, in order to help our teaching workers better understand the characteristics of the college students' foreign language learning motivation and provide the theoretical basis for the cultivation of the second language learning motivation of the second language learners in our country. The specific research questions are as follows: (1) How is the college student's second language expectation, value and ideal self-condition? (2) Is there a difference between the second language expectation, the value and the ideal self of the college students between different subjects and sexes? (3) What is the influence of the college student's second language expectation value and the ideal self to the college English six-level test? This study is based on quantitative and qualitative. In the third grade of Shandong Agricultural University,332 liberal arts, science and engineering students are taken as subjects by the random cluster sampling, and the major disciplines are the administration, the law, the material chemistry, the biotechnology, the mechanical and electronic engineering and the architectural profession, respectively. All the students participated in the CET-6 exam in June 2016. The research data collection tool is a kind of English learning motivation questionnaire which is issued by the teacher before the English class. After the questionnaire is recovered, the collected data is input into the computer. First, using the SPSS 16.0 software to carry out descriptive statistics on the ideal second language self, expectation and value of the college students, Secondly, we compare the differences between sex and subject with the method of independent sample T test and unit variance analysis, and finally, through the correlation and regression analysis, explore the effect of the ideal second language self and the expected value on the results of CET 6. In addition, after obtaining the results of the questionnaire, the author selected 12 subjects to interview to obtain the qualitative data and to learn more about the college students' English learning motivation. The results show that:1) The college students are at a higher level in the value of the second language learning, and are in the upper level in the expectation of the ideal second language self and ability;2) the gender has a significant impact on the expectation, the value and the ideal self-production of the college students' English learning ability. (3) The difference of the subject has a significant effect on the expectation of the second language and the ideal self, but the difference of the subject is not obvious in the value of the subjective task;4) The results of the CET-6 have a significant positive correlation with the ideal L2 self and the expected value of the college students. At the same time, compared with the expectation value, the ideal second language self is stronger than the interpretation force of the CET-6.


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