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发布时间:2019-05-10 20:13
[Abstract]:With the increasing number of cultural exchanges between countries, the classroom has become an important place to interact and communicate with foreign experts. The author assumed the classroom interpretation work of the LCP nursing training program in Canada for a period of three months. Based on the interpretation practice, this paper discusses the role orientation of interpreters in the specific context of classroom interpretation, analyzes the difficulties and causes in the process of classroom interpretation, and puts forward the corresponding translation strategies and methods. In view of the divergent thinking of the lecturer, the author needs to reprocess the discourse, including filtering repeated content, deleting unnecessary information, emphasizing key knowledge and so on, in order to convey accurate and effective information to the students. Based on the particularity of classroom interpretation, the author puts forward that classroom interpreters should not only be translators, but also flexibly transform them into teaching auxiliaries, promoters, atmosphere harmonizers and learners according to their needs, so as to promote the smooth development of teaching. This report also analyzes the incoherence, interruption and tedious phenomena in the process of interpretation. It is pointed out that export interpreters should distribute their attention reasonably, mainly by understanding and supplemented by notes. In the output stage of the target language, appropriate omission and attention should be paid to sentence recombination to conform to Chinese habits. Classroom interpreters should also master the basic classroom discourse knowledge, promote the absorption of knowledge by the audience, and achieve the best interpretation effect. Based on the real corpus, this report explores many aspects of classroom interpretation in the hope of providing new ideas for interpretation practice.


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