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发布时间:2019-05-28 05:43
[Abstract]:Corpus linguistics is not only one of the branches of modern linguistics, but also a frontier research problem in modern linguistics, which is spawned by the background of information technology. Corpus linguistics can make English teachers reset their teaching roles. With the introduction of the concept of new economic normality, the teaching reform of English majors in China is urgent. However, due to the limitations of institutional factors and historical reasons, the reform of basic English teaching for English majors has not been able to achieve the desired goals. Corpus linguistics points out a new development path for the current teaching reform of English majors in China, and then obtains a new opportunity for the realization of the purpose of teaching reform for English majors. This paper summarizes the important role and significance of corpus linguistics in basic English teaching for English majors, and analyzes on the concrete application of corpus linguistics in basic English teaching for English majors. This paper also expounds how to use the teaching method matching corpus to carry out English teaching.
【作者单位】: 淮北师范大学外国语学院;


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