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发布时间:2019-06-04 02:37
【摘要】:该口译翻译实践报告是以纪录片《国家地理—九寨沟和香格里拉》(National Geographic-Jiu Zhai gou Valley and Shangri-La)为蓝本进行模拟同传、分析和总结。在此次翻译任务中,笔者从功能主义目的论的翻译视角,采取案例分析的方法,对该纪录片进行带稿同传,并对同传过程中出现的问题作为对象进行案例分析,同时对简化式翻译策略,直译、调整式翻译等翻译策略进行了分析和总结,为今后的口译实践提供理论和实践指导。该实践报告的第一部分是对该纪录片内容和特点的介绍;第二部分是对此次翻译任务的简明介绍;第三部分是在目的论理论指导下的案例分析;第四部分笔者总结了本次影视口译实践中的经验、不足以及受到的启发。
[Abstract]:The interpretation translation practice report is based on the documentary National Geography-Jiuzhaigou and Shangri-La (National Geographic-Jiu Zhai gou Valley and Shangri-La) for simultaneous interpretation, analysis and summary. In this translation task, from the perspective of functionalism Skopos theory, the author adopts the method of case analysis to carry out simultaneous interpretation of the documentary with manuscripts, and makes a case study of the problems in the process of simultaneous interpretation. At the same time, this paper analyzes and summarizes some translation strategies, such as simplified translation strategy, literal translation and adjustment translation, so as to provide theoretical and practical guidance for interpretation practice in the future. The first part of the practice report is an introduction to the content and characteristics of the documentary; the second part is a concise introduction to the translation task; the third part is a case study under the guidance of Skopos theory. The fourth part summarizes the experience, shortcomings and inspiration in the practice of film and television interpretation.


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2 王绍祥;口译应变策略[J];中国科技翻译;2004年01期

3 耿智,曹山柯;直译法的 必 备 条 件[J];外语与外语教学;1999年09期

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