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发布时间:2019-06-05 21:17
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the continuous promotion of globalization, the demand for English translation of Chinese food instructions is increasing day by day. At present, in the work of Chinese food publicity, the level of Chinese-English translation has a direct impact on its external communication. From the point of view of "proper function", the English translation of a successful food specification should not only be limited to the correct translation of the original sentence, but also can effectively realize the communicative purpose and text function of the explanation in the context of the target language. In view of this, this paper will make a qualitative study of the English translation of Chinese food instructions from the perspective of Skopos theory, in order to find out the ideal translation principles and methods under the guidance of Skopos theory. In order to solve the translation problems existing in the English translation of Chinese food instructions, so as to improve the quality of English translation of Chinese food instructions. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, this paper finds that the main problem in the translation of Chinese food instructions is that the function of information transmission and calling for the public can not be effectively realized. This problem is caused by various translation errors, which is because there are many differences in culture, format and language between Chinese and English, but these differences have not been paid attention to by translators. These translation errors can be divided into two main categories, namely, language errors and cultural errors. This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the causes of these errors from both linguistic and cultural aspects. Finally, this paper applies the three laws of Skopos theory, namely, the rule of purpose, the rule of coherence and the rule of loyalty, to the translation of Chinese food instructions into English, and puts forward two translation methods, namely, the translation method of facts and the method of emotional translation. At the same time, some suggestions for translating Chinese food instructions into English are put forward. This paper theoretically verifies that Skopos theory is of guiding significance to the study of the translation of Chinese food instructions into English, and puts forward a more flexible translation method for the problems existing in the English translation of Chinese food instructions in practice.


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