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发布时间:2019-06-22 20:28
【摘要】:本篇英译汉翻译实践报告的源语文本是《国际新闻翻译》(Translation in Global News)的简介与第四章,该书由埃斯佩兰萨·贝尔萨与苏珊·巴斯内特合著。该书原版自出版后广为流传,但尚无汉译本出现。因此,翻译该书不仅可传播两位学者的学术成果,而且可为翻译专业与新闻专业学生提供相关专业知识。该书汇聚了作者在传媒和翻译研究方面的学术成绩,注重理论阐述,结合实证分析,使用了大量的被动句式、从句;根据彼得·纽马克的文本分类,该文本属于信息文本,信息文本注重信息传播;而“功能对等理论”表示对等不但追求信息内容的对等,而且尽可能地要求形式对等,从而使目的语读者反应趋向于源语读者的反应(许,2000:64),因此本翻译项目选用尤金·A·奈达的“功能对等理论”为理论指导。在翻译过程中,笔者主要采取以归化策略为主,异化为辅的翻译策略。本报告的重点是结合翻译实践,从词、句、篇章及文化层面分析翻译过程中如何翻译难点,涉及到的翻译方法包括词义引申、词义阐释、词的增减和句子拆分组合等等。通过本次翻译实践,笔者对功能对等理论和新闻翻译有了一定的认识:(1)翻译的对等包括词汇、句法篇章、文体、文化层面的对等。译者应该综合考虑上下文语境、中英语言各自的表达习惯、原文本的文体,给出流畅自然的译文,使目的语读者反应与源语读者反应趋向一致。(2)新闻翻译更强调对事实的传播,新闻译者可以根据新闻市场环境修改新闻题目、增加或删减背景信息,调换句子顺序,并对新闻事件进行总结。
[Abstract]:The source text of this English-Chinese translation practice report is a brief introduction and the fourth chapter of (Translation in Global News), co-authored by Esperanza Belsa and Susan Basnet. The original version of the book has been widely circulated since its publication, but no Chinese translation has yet appeared. Therefore, the translation of the book can not only disseminate the academic achievements of the two scholars, but also provide relevant professional knowledge for translation and journalism students. The book brings together the author's academic achievements in media and translation studies, pays attention to theoretical exposition, combined with empirical analysis, uses a large number of passive sentence patterns, clauses. According to Peter Newmark's text classification, the text belongs to the information text, and the information text pays attention to information dissemination. The theory of functional equivalence means that equivalence not only pursues the equivalence of information content, but also requires formal equivalence as far as possible, so that the response of the target language readers tends to be the response of the source language readers (Xu, 2000 / 64). Therefore, Eugene A Nida's functional equivalence theory is selected as the theoretical guide in this translation project. In the process of translation, the author mainly adopts the strategy of domestication, supplemented by foreignization. The focus of this report is to analyze the translation difficulties in the process of translation from the aspects of words, sentences, texts and cultures, including the extension of word meaning, the interpretation of word meaning, the increase and decrease of words and the separation and combination of sentences, and so on. Through this translation practice, the author has a certain understanding of functional equivalence theory and news translation: (1) Translation equivalence includes lexical, syntactic text, stylistic and cultural equivalence. The translator should consider the contextual context, the respective expression habits of Chinese and English, the style of the original text, and give a smooth and natural translation, so that the response of the target language readers tends to be consistent with that of the source language readers. (2) News translation emphasizes the dissemination of facts. News translators can modify news topics, add or delete background information, change sentence order, and summarize news events according to the news market environment.


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