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发布时间:2019-06-24 16:27
[Abstract]:Reading and writing, as the way of test language, are closely related to thinking, and the process of reading and writing is the process of various thinking activities of the human brain. It is an effective way to train high school students' thinking ability. The ability of thinking and thinking, as an important ability among the thinking ability, is closely related to reading and writing, and the foreign language class in primary and secondary schools in recent years also emphasizes the cultivation of the students' thinking ability. Reading the follow-up can examine the ability of thinking, and it is not a useful attempt. At present, the foreign language teaching, while encouraging the teachers to train the students' thinking ability in the class, but in the actual high school class, the teaching still stays in the words, the simple input of the grammar, most senior high school English teachers are too focused on the language knowledge and the language skills, and so on, And neglect the enhancement of higher-order thinking, such as the ability of thinking and the like. In the English writing, the students learn more about the language and grammar, and the students' writing attention is the correctness of the language and the grammar, the contents and the logic of the writing are very little, which leads to the tedious and logical confusion of the content of the article. In the face of the high school foreign language teaching, the follow-up writing has come into being, because it reads the follow-up and emphasizes on completing the writing of the article on the basis of reading, thus the thinking ability, in particular the ability of reasoning and evaluation. Based on the close relationship between the follow-up and thinking of high school students and the correlation between the thinking ability of high school students and the follow-up writing of high school students, there is little empirical research. This paper tries to analyze the high school students' thinking level by using 50 students in the second grade as the research object, using the critical personality tendency test, the critical thinking skill test, the writing test and the interview with the students. The relevance of critical thinking ability and writing ability can be seen by quantitative and qualitative analysis. The qualitative analysis will adopt two sets of scoring system, one is the English writing standard of the college entrance examination, the other is the critical thinking scale, and the students' composition is scored and analyzed separately. The quantitative data is analyzed and analyzed through the Excel table and the SPSS18.0, and then the correlation between the follow-up and critical thinking is viewed. The qualitative analysis and related theories analyze the data and give some teaching suggestions. Based on the results of the study, the level of thinking ability of high school students is still at a low level, and only a few students show a high level of speculative ability. In the light of the test results of critical thinking personality, the high school students have a better performance in the open-label character, but the performance of the high school students is to be improved in the aspects of systematicness and analysis; in terms of critical thinking skills, the high school students have better performance in the analysis and reasoning. The capacity to evaluate is to be improved. After the correlation analysis of the follow-up and critical thinking tendency and the reading of the follow-up and critical thinking skills, it is found that the follow-up writing has a positive correlation with both, and the conclusion is that the follow-up writing is positively related to the thinking ability. But there are some exceptions. Some students have a strong sense of thinking, but the follow-up performance is not good. It is found that the personal life experience, the emotion, the attitude and the degree of familiarity with the material will affect the writing results. In this paper, the paper points out the positive correlation between the ability of thinking and the follow-up of high school students. These all give a certain enlightenment to the first-line teachers, through the emphasis on the students' article's cut-off, the clarity of the argument, the coherence of the chapter and the thorough nature of the students in the writing, and improve the students' thinking ability, and at the same time, through the promotion of the students' reasoning, And the ability of evaluation and the like is used to improve the reading-up ability of the students.


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