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发布时间:2019-06-25 13:05
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of foreign exchanges, the export volume of tea in China is increasing day by day, and the influence of tea culture in the world is also gradually enhanced. Commercial tea reception is an important way to publicize Chinese tea culture, shouldering the responsibility of pushing the original Chinese tea culture to the world, and must attach great importance to the translation of reception terms. Based on the development of modern economy and culture, this paper points out the necessity and urgency of translating commercial tea reception terms into English, then analyzes the current situation of translation studies from two aspects of "minority" and "unauthentic", and finally puts forward some suggestions from three aspects: translation purpose, tea culture propaganda purpose and teaching purpose, in order to bring tea language translation into the track of scientific development and promote the external dissemination of tea culture in China.
【作者单位】: 陕西工业职业技术学院;


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