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发布时间:2019-06-28 19:41
[Abstract]:In order to better meet the demand for talents in the process of national and economic and social development, promote the smooth progress of professional personnel training activities in colleges and universities, and improve the level of running schools in an all-round way, some colleges and universities in our country have set up "excellent personnel training plan" one after another, pay attention to practical training, and strive to realize the optimal utilization of teaching resources, so as to improve teaching quality and promote students' individualized and professional development. This paper studies and analyzes the timeliness of college English general classroom in order to deepen the reform of college English teaching mode, improve the quality of college English general classroom teaching in an all-round way, and cultivate high quality compound talents for the society.
【作者单位】: 齐齐哈尔大学;


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