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Edison and the Raise of Innovation(节选)翻译实践报告

发布时间:2019-07-05 17:44
【摘要】:此次翻译实践报告,以托马斯·爱迪生国家历史公园档案管理员莱纳德·德格拉夫(Leonard DeGraaf)写的托马斯·爱迪生传记《爱迪生和创新的崛起》(Edison and the Raise of Innovation)这本书为源文本,为了纪念爱迪生(1847年2月11日—1931年10月18日)逝世80周年(2011年),于2013年出版了本书,同时,今年(2017年)也是爱迪生诞辰170周年,另外,《爱迪生和创新的崛起》(Edison and the Raise of Innovation)目前还没有正式出版的中文译本,因此,关于爱迪生的翻译题材显得十分必要和意义重大。在这里,译者从本书的前四章选取了关于爱迪生的教育、发明工厂(门洛帕克实验室)、锡箔留声机、电气照明系统的故事为本次翻译实践报告的翻译材料。翻译过程经历了5个阶段:(1)精读并理解源语言文本;(2)查阅相关平行文本信息;(3)初译;(4)校对;(5)定稿。翻译实践报告总体由5部分构成:(1)导入;(2)任务过程描述;(3)翻译理论指导;(4)案例分析;(5)关于本次翻译实践需要努力提高的地方和经验总结。实践报告的主体是,为了使汉译文本更加衔接连贯,贴近目标语英语表达习惯,在语境理论和韩礼德、哈桑衔接连贯理论的指导下,通过对比学习案例分析中的初译和终译、源文本和目标文本结构的不同,译者选用了汉译语篇重构,并从3个方面进行了分析:(1)逻辑顺序;(2)时间顺序;(3)空间顺序。鉴于译者能力有限,本报告仅局限于汉译语篇重构的3个方面,其他方面有待后续学者进一步挖掘补充。
[Abstract]:The translation practice report is based on the biography of Thomas Edison, the rise of Edison and Innovation, written by Leonard de Graff (Leonard DeGraaf), archivists of Thomas Edison National Historical Park. in order to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Edison's death (11 February 1847-18 October 1931) (2011), the book was published in 2013. at the same time, This year (2017) also marks the 170th anniversary of Edison's birth. In addition, (Edison and the Raise of Innovation) has not yet published a Chinese translation of Edison and Innovation. Therefore, it is very necessary and significant to translate Edison into the subject matter. Here, the translator selects the stories about Edison's education, invention factory (Menlo Parker Laboratory), tin foil phonograph and electrical lighting system from the first four chapters of the book as the translation materials for this translation practice report. The translation process has gone through five stages: (1) intensive reading and understanding of the source language text; (2) consulting the relevant parallel text information; (3) preliminary translation; (4) proofreading; (5) finalization. The translation practice report consists of five parts: (1) introduction; (2) description of task process; (3) guidance of translation theory; (4) case analysis; and (5) summary of places and experiences that need to be improved in this translation practice. The main body of the practical report is that in order to make the Chinese translation text more coherent and close to the English expression habit of the target language, under the guidance of context theory and Halliday's cohesion coherence theory, through the contrastive study of the initial translation and final translation in the case analysis, the translator chooses the reconstruction of the Chinese translation text and analyzes it from three aspects: (1) logical order; (2) time order; (3) Spatial order. In view of the limited ability of translators, this report is limited to three aspects of Chinese translation text reconstruction, and other aspects need to be further explored and supplemented by follow-up scholars.


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