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发布时间:2019-07-06 12:41
【摘要】:《国际博物馆》(Museum International)是联合国教科文组织主办的有关遗产保护问题的权威国际刊物,创立于1948年,其办刊宗旨是进行跨学科研究,促进遗产政策和国际专业知识的交流,介绍保护和妥善收藏文化遗产的最佳方法,在不断变化的文化环境中为决策者提供信息支持。内容涉及博物馆学、社会学、考古学、历史学等。《国际博物馆》内容所具有的跨学科性为其汉译带来了一定的难度,也给译员带了不小的挑战。因导师负责《国际博物馆》的汉译项目,笔者有幸参与了该期刊三篇文章的翻译工作。基于此翻译实践,本报告以奈达的功能对等翻译理论和贝尔的功能主义翻译理论为指导,首先分析了翻译过程中遇到的难点问题,如词汇、句法、语篇等的翻译,然后,根据上述难点,以具体的实例探讨了相应的翻译策略和方法。如:词汇的翻译采用异化、归化、词性转换、省略等方法;句子的翻译遵循如下步骤:1.分析句子结构;2.理清句中的时空关系;3.理顺句子的逻辑关系。语篇的翻译则应注意一致性与连贯性。最后,笔者总结了翻译项目的经验,并提出翻译类似学术期刊的建议,以期为此类文本的翻译提供启示和借鉴。
[Abstract]:The International Museum (Museum International), an authoritative international publication on heritage protection sponsored by UNESCO, was founded in 1948 to carry out interdisciplinary research, promote the exchange of heritage policies and international professional knowledge, introduce the best ways to protect and properly collect cultural heritage, and provide information support to policymakers in a changing cultural environment. The content involves museology, sociology, archaeology, history and so on. The cross-disciplinary nature of the content of the International Museum brings some difficulties to its Chinese translation, but also brings a lot of challenges to the interpreter. Because the tutor is in charge of the Chinese translation project of the International Museum, the author has the privilege of participating in the translation of three articles in the journal. Based on this translation practice, under the guidance of Nida's functional equivalence translation theory and Bell's functionalist translation theory, this paper first analyzes the difficult problems encountered in the process of translation, such as vocabulary, syntax, discourse translation, and then, according to the above difficulties, discusses the corresponding translation strategies and methods with concrete examples. For example, the translation of vocabulary adopts the methods of foreignization, domestication, part-of-speech transformation, omission and so on. The translation of sentences follows the following steps: 1. Analyze the structure of sentences; 2. Clarify the space-time relationship in the sentence; 3. Straighten out the logical relationship of the sentence. Consistency and coherence should be paid attention to in the translation of texts. Finally, the author summarizes the experience of translation projects and puts forward some suggestions for translating similar academic journals in order to provide inspiration and reference for the translation of this kind of texts.


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1 白少辉;;突尼斯共和国的语言政策[J];云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版);2007年01期

2 王宁;现代性、翻译文学与中国现代文学经典重构[J];文艺研究;2002年06期

3 刘峰;英语地名和人名汉译浅说[J];青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版);1993年01期

4 徐进;陆曼娜;;英语首字母缩略词汉译初探——兼与安秉哲先生商榷[J];扬州师院学报(社会科学版);1990年02期

5 王佐良;;翻译中的文化比较[J];中国翻译;1984年01期

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1 卜玉坤;认知视阈下科技英语喻义汉译研究[D];东北师范大学;2011年

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2 程琳;《国际博物馆》英译汉翻译项目报告[D];南京师范大学;2016年

3 王琳琳;从功能目的论看期刊金融类文章的翻译[D];北京外国语大学;2015年

4 王立丽;金融类学术期刊论文英汉翻译实践报告[D];黑龙江大学;2014年

5 李芬;英文学术论文汉译障碍的应对方法研究[D];兰州大学;2013年

6 陈舒;试谈社科类学术论文英译汉的挑战与策略[D];复旦大学;2012年

7 段晓鑫;从奈达的等值翻译理论看英语学术论文的汉译[D];上海交通大学;2011年




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