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发布时间:2019-07-06 15:15
[Abstract]:Pragmatic vagueness is a common pragmatic phenomenon. As a communication strategy, it is not only often used in people's daily communication, but also often used in the creation of literary works, especially in the drama of dialogue. The arbitrariness of language, the fuzziness of human thinking and the uncertainty of context are the objective reasons for pragmatic vagueness, and the principle of language economy, which is generally followed by human beings in the process of using language, is the subjective cause of its emergence. Pragmatic vagueness is analyzed from objective reasons, but pragmatic vagueness is rarely studied from the principle of language economy. This study is based on the principle of language economy and takes Eugene O'Neill 's autobiographical drama, as the corpus, in order to study the pragmatic vagueness of his dialogue. First of all, the pragmatic vagueness phenomenon in corpus is collected and classified from the principle of linguistic economy, which are double intention pragmatic vagueness, pun semantic pragmatic vagueness, potential intention and implied intention pragmatic vagueness, perfunctory intention pragmatic vagueness, as well as indifference dialogue effect pragmatic vagueness and text pragmatic vagueness under the principle of linguistic economy of the hearer. The listener unilaterally deduces the pragmatic vagueness of intention and the reader deduces pragmatic vagueness. Secondly, the economic realization of pragmatic vagueness of different types of discourse is studied from the perspective of the linguistic economy principle of the speaker and the hearer, respectively. Finally, this study focuses on the main functions of different types of pragmatic vagueness or different language economy from the perspective of speaker and hearer language economy principle. It is found that under the principle of speaker language economy, the main ways to realize language economy in different types of pragmatic vagueness are omission, lexical substitution, pragmatic presupposition and lexical implication, while under the principle of hearer language economy, the economic realization of language is emotional default reasoning, contextual default reasoning and cognitive default reasoning. At the same time, the economic realization of language is the generation of pragmatic vagueness. Lexical substitution refracts the sociocultural statute under the background of creation; omit lays the groundwork for the story and promotes the further development of the plot; pragmatic presupposition weakens the communicative purpose, while lexical implication strengthens the communicative purpose. In addition, cognitive default reasoning plays a role in depicting the inner world of characters and shaping characters; emotional default reasoning reflects the interpersonal relationship of characters; contextual default reasoning is closely related to the purpose of negotiation and communication.


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