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发布时间:2019-07-26 07:34
[Abstract]:Based on the in-depth explanation of the three basic features of cognitive linguistics: "semantics are the core, grammatical structures are meaningful and language is based on use", this paper discusses the causes of the three basic problems of "accuracy, fluency and low speculative ability" in foreign language teaching for a long time. It is pointed out that a deep understanding of these three basic features of cognitive linguistics can provide a new way of thinking for solving these three basic problems step by step in teaching practice: accuracy comes from a profound understanding and grasp of meaning; Fluency must master a large number of fixed expressions and expressions, and can only be realized through the automation of knowledge and skills through a large number of language use. The meaning of grammatical structure plays an irreplaceable role in the process of cultivating learners' speculative ability. This paper also holds that although these three problems are manifested as practical problems, they are related to the nature of language, language acquisition and the theory of language use.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学;


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