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发布时间:2020-09-28 11:19
   以单个词为中心的词典编纂传统和语料库研究所揭示的语言短语趋向之间存在矛盾。一方面,纸质和电子词典通常将单个词作为词目组织的主要索引单位(词目词)。另一方面,语料库研究发现,短语经常具有重要的语用和语篇功能,一些短语单位本身就是意义承载者。和单个词相比,词典对短语的处理往往不够凸显、不够充分。与此同时,有越来越多的研究开始研发学术英语短语列表,目的是为了帮助非本族语者和写作新手进行学术写作。而一些在线学术英语词典也开始对词束(lexical bundles)这类短语进行表征。不过应当指出,这些短语列表主要是用于教学目的,无法直接用作词典词目词,而在线词典对于词束的描写和表征方面还有较大提升的空间。鉴于此,本研究试图用实证方法创建一个面向词典编纂的词束列表,这些词束在通用学术英语写作中高频出现,并被认为适合作为词目词。我们先是利用Sketch Engine来自动提取一个词束列表,然后依靠可复制的人工筛查标准和统计手段去掉不合适的词束,最后得到了80个四词目标词束。我们接着从词束覆盖度、宏观和微观结构等方面定量分析了目标词束在高阶英语学习词典中的表征情况。此外,为进一步改进词典对于词束的处理,我们比较了两种扩展词束描写的方法(频率法和搭配法),发现通过搭配法来扩展四词词束更为有效。基于这些发现,我们最后提出了一个改进学术英语词束词典处理的新模型。本研究主要有以下发现:一、方法层面上,证明了创建一个面向在线英语学习词典编纂(非本族语者和写作新手为目标用户)的学术英语词束列表是可行的;二、定量分析表明,目标词束的表征因词典而异,表征程度普遍不够充分;三、发现并实证检验了一种扩展词束描写的新方法(搭配法),目前对该方法的研究还较少。研究意义包括:一、聚焦词典对语料库短语的表征,强烈呼吁在线词典对我们提炼出的学术英语词束按词目词处理,以更好地满足非本族语者和写作新手的学术短语需求;二、有助于加强词束研究和电子(数字)词典研究之间的协同;三、展示了扩展词束描写的可能,对于“终极词典”(Sinclair et al.2004)的构建有一定启示意义。研究局限包括:一、只关注四词词束,没有考虑其它可能在学术写作中高频出现的更大或更小的词束;二、目前牛津学术英语语料库只能在Sketch Engine平台上检索,因而词束提取会受限于Sketch Engine“N-grams功能”的参数设定,这一定程度上会影响研究结果;三、没有识别学习者易误用的词束;四、没有调查不同微观结构处理方式对目标词束的查阅、记忆和产出的影响。希望将来的研究能够解决这些问题。
List of Abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research gaps
    1.3 Research questions and aims of the study
    1.4 Research methodology
    1.5 Outline of the dissertation
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Identification and classification of lexical bundles
        2.1.1 Lexical bundle identification
        2.1.2 Structural and functional classification
    2.2 Factors affecting lexical bundle use
        2.2.1 Register variation
        2.2.2 Disciplinary variation
        2.2.3 Writer difference
   Expert vs.novice writers
   L1 vs.L2 writers
   Learners at different proficiency levels
        2.2.4 Other factors
        2.2.5 Critique
    2.3 Lexical bundles and lexicography
        2.3.1 Lexical bundles and dictionary research
   Treatment of lexical bundles in bilingual dictionaries
   Lexical bundles as discriminator of definition style
        2.3.2 Lexical bundles and dictionary-making
        2.3.3 Critique
    2.4 Summary
Chapter3 Developing a List of Target Bundles for Lexicographic Purposes
    3.1 Corpora and dictionaries
        3.1.1 Target corpus
        3.1.2 Comparison corpus
        3.1.3 Dictionaries
    3.2 Developing and classifying target bundles
        3.2.1 Extraction procedures
        3.2.2 Filtering procedures
   Manual filtering
   Log-likelihood ratio test
   Dispersion test
        3.2.3 Structural and functional classification of target bundles
    3.3 Looking up target bundles
    3.4 Summary
Chapter4 Examining the Lexicographic Treatment of Target Bundles
    4.1 Coverage
    4.2 Macrostructural treatment
        4.2.1 Lexical bundle as headword
        4.2.2 Component word as headword
    4.3 Microstructural treatment
        4.3.1 Form
        4.3.2 Location
        4.3.3 Textual enhancement
    4.4 Discussion
    4.5 Summary
Chapter5 Improving the Lexicographic Treatment of Lexical Bundles
    5.1 Design and proposals
    5.2 Comparing two approaches to enriching bundle description
        5.2.1 The frequency approach
        5.2.2 The collocation approach
        5.2.3 A comparison
    5.3 Examining bundle collocates in dictionaries
        5.3.1 Bundles and collocation settings
        5.3.2 Analytical procedures
        5.3.3 Results
        5.3.4 Discussion
    5.4 Illustration of the new treatment:The case of the degree to which
    5.5 Summary
Chapter6 Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings
    6.2 Implications
    6.3 Limitations and directions for future research
    Appendix A.Log-likelihood and effect size data of bundles(n=146)
    Appendix B.Log-likelihood and effect size data of bundles that characterize the spoken genre (COCA)
    Appendix C.Frequencies of bundles by discipline(n=99)
    Appendix D.Dispersion of bundles by subject area(PMWs;n =99)
    Appendix E.Entry excerpts for THE EXTENT TO WHICH
    Appendix F.Statistics of target bundles by structure
    Appendix G.Statistics of target bundles by function
    Appendix H.Association measures in the Sketch Engine
    Appendix I.Relevant collocates found in dictionaries
    Appendix J.Collocates found in dictionaries
    Appendix K.Collocation statistics of target bundles(n=80)




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