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发布时间:2020-12-31 00:22


【文章页数】:78 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 The background of the study
    1.2 The purpose of the study
    1.3 The significance of the study
    1.4 The organization of the study
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies of homework
    2.2 Studies of the types of English homework
        2.2.1 Studies abroad
        2.2.2 Studies at home
    2.3 Studies of the design of English homework
        2.3.1 Studies abroad
        2.3.2 Studies at home
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation
    3.1 Meta-cognition
    3.2 Multiple intelligence theory
        3.2.1 The content of multiple intelligence theory
        3.2.2 The inspiration of multiple intelligence theory in homework design
    3.3 Constructivism
        3.3.1 The content of constructism
        3.3.2 The inspiration of Constructivism theory in homework design
    3.4 Humanistic theory
        3.4.1 The content of humanistic theory
        3.4.2 The inspiration of Humanistic theory in homework design
Chapter Four Research Design
    4.1 Research questions
    4.2 Research subjects
    4.3 Research tools
        4.3.1 Questionnaire of junior high school English homework
        4.3.2 Interview for students'English homework
        4.3.3 Questionnaire of meta-cognitive ability
    4.4 Research process
        4.4.1 The pretest of meta-cognitive ability
        4.4.2 A questionnaire survey for students
        4.4.3 The design and implementation of new homework types
        4.4.4 The post-test of meta-cognitive ability
Chapter Five Results and Analyses
    5.1 Designed homework type
        5.1.1 Meta-cognitive design on class report(Oral)
        5.1.2 Meta-cognitive design on mind map(Written)
        5.1.3 Meta-cognitive design on inquiry homework
    5.2 Results and analyses of the application of the designed English homework
        5.2.1 Results and analyses of the application of class report
        5.2.2 Results and analyses of the application of mind map
        5.2.3 Results and analyses of the application of inquiry homework
    5.3 Results and analyses of the interviews
    5.4 Results and analyses of the meta-cognitive questionnaire
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings of this study
    6.2 Limitations of present study
    6.3 Further research suggestion
    Appendix A:Junior school English homework questionnaire
    Appendix B:Interview for students
    Appendix C:Questionnaire on meta-cognitive ability
    Appendix D Some Students?Works

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