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发布时间:2021-01-12 14:47


【文章页数】:89 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Significance of the research
    1.2 Purpose of the research
    1.3 Methodology and data collection
    1.4 Organization of the research
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Traditional research on particles
    2.2 Cognitive research on particles
        2.2.1 Foreign research on particles
        2.2.2 Domestic research on particles
    2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Prototype Theory
    3.2 Conceptual Metaphor Theory
        3.2.1 Three types of conceptual metaphors
        3.2.2 Four features of conceptual metaphors
    3.3 Image Schema Theory
        3.3.1 The definition of image schema
        3.3.2 The structure of image schema
        3.3.3 Types of image schema
    3.4 Principled Polysemy Model
        3.4.1 Distinct sense and on-line meaning
        3.4.2 Proto-scene and primary sense
        3.4.3 Criteria for determination of senses
        3.4.4 Construction of semantic network
    3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Cognitive Semantic Analysis of FOR
    4.1 The primary sense and proto-scene of FOR
        4.1.1 Meanings of the particle FOR
        4.1.2 The primary sense of the particle FOR
        4.1.3 The proto-scene of the particle FOR
    4.2 The extending process of distinct senses of FOR
        4.2.1 The orientation cluster
        4.2.2 The source-path-destination cluster
        4.2.3 The twin-pan balance cluster
    4.3 The polysemic network of FOR
Chapter Five Cognitive Semantic Analysis of TO
    5.1 The primary sense and proto-scene of TO
        5.1.1 Meanings of the particle TO
        5.1.2 The primary sense of the particle TO
        5.1.3 The proto-scene of the particle TO
    5.2 The extending process of distinct senses of TO
        5.2.1 The orientation cluster
        5.2.2 The source-path-destination cluster
    5.3 The polysemic network of TO
Chapter Six Comparison between FOR and TO
    6.1 The similarities between FOR and TO
        6.1.1 The With-regard-to sense
        6.1.2 The Distance sense
    6.2 The differences between FOR and TO
        6.2.1 The Towards sense
        6.2.2 The Recipient sense
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Major findings
    7.2 Limitations and suggestions for further research

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