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发布时间:2021-02-14 05:10


【文章页数】:119 页


Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Objectives
    1.3 Research Significance
    1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Reticence
    2.2 Classroom Reticence
        2.2.1 Definition of Classroom Reticence
        2.2.2 Classification and Function of Classroom Reticence
        2.2.3 Previous Study on Classroom Reticence
    2.3 Task-Based Approach
        2.3.1 Definition of the Task
        2.3.2 Task-Based Approach
        2.3.3 Components of the Task
        2.3.4 Rules of Carrying out the Task-Based Approach
        2.3.5 Framework of Task-Based Approach
        2.3.6 Previous Study on Task-Based Approach
    2.4 Research Gap
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
    3.2 The Interaction Hypothesis
    3.3 The Output Hypothesis
    3.4 Constructivism
Chapter Four Research Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Research Subject
    4.3 Research Instruments
        4.3.1 Questionnaire
        4.3.2 Interview
        4.3.3 Classroom Observation
        4.3.4 Teacher Logs
    4.4 Overall Action Research Process
Chapter Five Implementation of Action Research
    5.1 Problem Identification
        5.1.1 Statistic Results of Questionnaire 1
        5.1.2 Statistic Results of Questionnaire 2
        5.1.3 Statistic Results of Pre-interview
    5.2 Putting Forward Hypotheses
    5.3 Procedures of Action Research
    5.4 Action Research: Cycle 1
        5.4.1 Purpose of the Action Research in Cycle 1
        5.4.2 Plan of the Action Research in Cycle 1
        5.4.3 Implementation of the Action Research in Cycle 1
        5.4.4 Data Analysis and Reflection on Action Research Cycle 1
    5.5 Action Research: Cycle 2
        5.5.1 Revising the Plan
        5.5.2 Implementation of the Action Research in Cycle 2
        5.5.3 Data Analysis and Reflection on Action Research Cycle 2
        5.5.4 Reflection on Action Research Cycle 2
Chapter Six Results and Discussion
    6.1 Discussion on Applying Task-based Approach
        6.1.1 Discussion of Questionnaire
        6.1.2 Discussion of Classroom Observation
        6.1.3 Discussion of Interview
        6.1.4 Discussion of Teacher Logs
    6.2 Answers to the Research Questions
Chapter Seven Conclusions
    7.1 Major Findings
    7.2 Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions
    7.3 Limitations of the Research
    Appendix A
    Appendix B
    Appendix C
    Appendix D
    Appendix E
    Appendix F
    Appendix G
    Appendix H
    Appendix I

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