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发布时间:2021-02-28 14:01


【文章页数】:79 页


ChapterⅠ Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Current Situation of Senior One Students’English Writing
    1.3 Current Situation of Teaching English Writing for Senior OneStudents
    1.4 Research Purpose and Significance
    1.5 Framework of the Thesis
ChapterⅡ Literature Review
    2.1 Definitions of Key Terms
        2.1.1 Definition of reading
        2.1.2 Definition of writing
        2.1.3 Definition of integrated skills of reading and writing
    2.2 The Interpretation of the Combination of Reading and WritingApproach
    2.3 Research on the Application of the Combination of Reading andWriting Approach at Home and Abroad
        2.3.1 Relevant research abroad
        2.3.2 Relevant research at home
    2.4 Theoretical Foundations
        2.4.1 Input Hypothesis
        2.4.2 Output Hypothesis
        2.4.3 Reinforcement Theory
        2.4.4 The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve theory
ChapterⅢ Research Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Tests
        3.3.2 Questionnaires
    3.4 Research Procedure
    3.5 Implementation of the Experiment
        3.5.1 The teaching procedure in EC
   Choosing reading materials in EC
   Teaching steps in EC
   A teaching sample in EC
   Students’homework presentation in EC
        3.5.2 Teaching procedure in CC
   Teaching steps in CC
   Students’homework presentation in CC
        3.5.3 Summary
ChapterⅣ Research Results and Discussion
    4.1 The Analysis of the Tests
        4.1.1 The analysis of the pre-test
        4.1.2 The analysis of the of post-test
        4.1.3 The comparative analysis of pre-test and post-test betweenEC and CC
   The comparison of the content scores in students’writing test
   The comparison of language use scores in students’writing test
   The comparison of organization scores in students’writing test
    4.2 Discussion of the Writing Results in EC and CC
    4.3 The Analysis of the Questionnaire
        4.3.1 The analysis of pre-questionnaire between EC and CC
        4.3.2 The comparison between EC’s Pre-questionnaire and Post-questionnaire
        4.3.3 The comparison of students’ English writing attitude between EC’s Pre-questionnaire and Post-questionnaire
        4.3.4 The comparison of students’ English writing habit between EC’s Pre-questionnaire and Post-questionnaire
    4.4 Discussion of the Questionnaire Results
ChapterⅤ Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Research Implications
    5.3 Research Limitations and Suggestions
AppendixⅠ Questionnaire
AppendixⅡ Pre-test
AppendixⅢ Post-test
AppendixⅣ Writing Scoring Standard of English Composition inCollege Entrance Examination
AppendixⅤ Reading Topic and Writing Genre of Each Unit in theTextbook
AppendixⅥ Reading Materials
AppendixⅦ The Results of EC’s Pre-questionnaire
AppendixⅧ The Results of EC’s Post-questionnaire
AppendixⅨ The Results of CC’s Pre-questionnaire
AppendixⅩ The Results of EC’s Pre-test and post-test
AppendixⅪ The Results of CC’s Pre-test and post-test

[1]例谈高中英语读写结合设计的有效性[J]. 程芳.  英语教师. 2016(02)
[2]模因论对大学英语“读写结合”教学的启示[J]. 王勤梅.  湖北第二师范学院学报. 2015(03)
[3]读写结合的理论基础[J]. 黄伟.  江苏教育. 2013(45)
[4]以读促写 循序渐进[J]. 曹敏.  中小学外语教学(中学篇). 2011(02)
[5]读写结合法是提高英语写作水平的途径[J]. 谢莉萍.  吉林省教育学院学报(学科版). 2009(10)
[6]加强语文实践 重视读写结合[J]. 张吉彬.  中学语文. 2008(09)
[7]读写结合——一项英语写作教学的试验[J]. 孙云波.  昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2003(04)
[8]由读悟写谈读写结合之道[J]. 罗晓军.  成都教育学院学报. 2001(11)
[9]改进英语写作教学的重要举措:过程教学法[J]. 李森.  外语界. 2000(01)
[10]谈阅读与写作的交融性[J]. 谢薇娜.  外语教学. 1994(04)

[1]初高中英语衔接教育教学实证研究[D]. 余晓燕.华中师范大学 2017
[2]“支架式”教学模式在高中写作课堂中的实验研究[D]. 钱晓琦.内蒙古师范大学 2012
[3]应用读写结合法提高九年级学生英语写作水平的行动研究[D]. 李茜.新疆师范大学 2011




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