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发布时间:2021-03-15 13:59
  焦虑是二语习得领域最受关注的情感变量之一,Horwitz,Horwitz and Cope(1986)明确界定了语言焦虑之后,该领域的研究开始蓬勃发展。第二语言交际意愿主要始于MacIntyre等人的研究,并倡导把提高学生交际意愿作为语言教学的主要目标。本研究以MacIntyre和Charos(1996)提出的第二语言学习与交际模型及MacIntyre,Clément,D?rnyei和Noels(1998)提出的影响交流意愿的启发式模型为理论基础,围绕三个研究问题展开:(1)英语专业学生语言焦虑的现状及影响因素是什么?(2)英语专业学生交际意愿的现状及影响因素是什么?(3)语言焦虑,交际意愿及各影响因素之间有何关系?本研究以内蒙古师范大学外国语学院196名英语专业学生为研究对象,研究工具采用:(1)Baghaei(2013)编制的外语交流意愿量表;(2)Horwitz,Horwitz and Cope(1986)设计的外语课堂焦虑量表;(3)学生针对他们感到焦虑,最愿意交流或最不愿意交流的学习情境撰写的文章。研究结果表明:(1)当前英语专业学生处于中度焦虑(M=95.76,SD=18.... 


【文章页数】:112 页


Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Significance of research
    1.3 Layout of the thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
    2.1 Definition of key terms
        2.1.1 Language anxiety
        2.1.2 Willingness to communicate
    2.2 Theoretical foundation
        2.2.1 Model of second language learning and communication
        2.2.2 Heuristic model of variables influencing WTC
    2.3 Previous studies on language anxiety
        2.3.1 Confounded approach
        2.3.2 Specialized approach
        2.3.3 Dynamic approach
        2.3.4 Measurement of language anxiety
    2.4 Previous studies on willingness to communicate
        2.4.1 Quantitative approach
        2.4.2 Qualitative approach
        2.4.3 Mixed methods approach
        2.4.4 Measurements of willingness to communicate
    2.5 Previous studies on the correlation between LA and WTC
Chapter Ⅲ Research Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Subjects
    3.3 Instruments
        3.3.1 Willingness to Communicate in a Foreign Language Scale
        3.3.2 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale
        3.3.3 Focused essay
    3.4 Research procedures
Chapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion
    4.1 The results and discussion of language anxiety
        4.1.1 The factor analysis of language anxiety
        4.1.2 The descriptive statistics of language anxiety
        4.1.3 The comparison of LA across four grades
        4.1.4 The qualitative analysis of language anxiety
    4.2 The results and discussion of willingness to communicate
        4.2.1 The descriptive statistics of willingness to communicate
        4.2.2 The comparison of WTC across four grades
        4.2.3 The qualitative analysis of willingness to communicate
    4.3 The correlations between LA,WTC and their influencing factors
        4.3.1 The correlations between LA and its influencing factors
        4.3.2 The correlations between WTC and its influencing factors
        4.3.3 The correlations between LA and WTC
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusions
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Pedagogical implications
        5.2.1 Establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship
        5.2.2 Optimize the teaching design of foreign language class
        5.2.3 Create a friendly foreign language classroom environment
    5.3 Limitations of the present study and suggestions for the further study
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ

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