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发布时间:2021-03-21 15:03


【文章页数】:141 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Backgrounds and Significance of the Study
    1.2 Objectives of the Study
    1.3 Methodology of the Study
    1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on Chinese or English Temperature Terms
        2.1.1 Semantic Studies
        2.1.2 Metaphorical Studies
        2.1.3 Syntactic Studies
    2.2 Comparative Studies on Temperature Terms
        2.2.1 Comparative Studies on Semantics of Temperature Terms
        2.2.2 Comparative Studies on Metaphors of Temperature Terms
        2.2.3 Comparative Studies on Syntax of Temperature Terms
    2.3 Corpus-based Comparative Studies on Temperature Terms
        2.3.1 Corpus-based Comparative Studies on Semantics of Temperature Terms
        2.3.2 Corpus-based Comparative Studies on Metaphors of TemperatureTerms
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 The Embodiment of Language
    3.2 Conceptual Metaphor Theory
        3.2.1 The Development of CMT
        3.2.2 The Working Mechanism of CMT
        3.2.3 The Characteristics of CMT
Chapter Four Analysis of Metaphors of Chinese and English Basic TemperatureTerms
    4.1 Analysis of Metaphors of Chinese Basic Temperature Terms
        4.1.1 Analysis of“re”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
        4.1.2 Analysis of“wen”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
        4.1.3 Analysis of“liang”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
        4.1.4 Analysis of“leng”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
    4.2 Analysis of Metaphors of English Basic Temperature Terms
        4.2.1 Analysis of“hot”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
        4.2.2 Analysis of“warm”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
        4.2.3 Analysis of“cool”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
        4.2.4 Analysis of“cold”and Its Metaphorical Mappings
    4.3 Comparative Analysis of Metaphors of Chinese and English BasicTemperature Terms
        4.3.1 Similarities and Differences between Metaphorical Mappings of“re”and“hot”
        4.3.2 Similarities and Differences between Metaphorical Mappings of“wen”and“warm”
        4.3.3 Similarities and Differences between Metaphorical Mappings of“liang”and“cool”
        4.3.4 Similarities and Differences between Metaphorical Mappings of“leng”and“cold”
    4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Causes for Similarities and Differences between Chinese andEnglish Basic Temperature Metaphors
    5.1 Causes for Similarities between Chinese and English Basic TemperatureMetaphors
        5.1.1 Causes from the Perspective of Cognition
        5.1.2 Causes from the Perspective of Language
    5.2 Causes for Differences between Chinese and English Basic TemperatureMetaphors
        5.2.1 Causes from the Perspective of Cognition
        5.2.2 Causes from the Perspective of Language
        5.2.3 Causes from the Perspective of Culture
    5.3 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Limitations of the Study
    6.3 Suggestions for Further research
About the Author

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