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发布时间:2021-07-10 19:31

【文章来源】:西南大学重庆市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:90 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of English Writing Teaching
    1.2 Purpose of the Research
    1.3 Significance of the Research
    1.4 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 The Research and Current Situation on the Writing Approach Home and Abroad
    2.2 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Writing Approach
        2.2.1 The Product Approach
        2.2.2 The Process Approach
        2.2.3 The Genre Approach
        2.2.4 The Process-Genre Approach
    2.3 The Interactive Writing Mode
    2.4 The Component of English Core Competence
    2.5 The Relation between English Core Competence and Interactive Writing Mode
    2.6 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Input Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis
    3.2 Constructivist Theory
    3.3 Cooperative Learning Theory
    3.4 Humanism Theory
    3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Research Design
    4.1 The Purpose of the Experiment
    4.2 The Procedures of the Experiment
        4.2.1 The Subjects of the Experiment
        4.2.2 The Research Instruments and Method
    4.3 The Procedures in the Experimental Class
        4.3.1 Grouping
        4.3.2 Teaching Procedures
    4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Results and Discussions
    5.1 Analysis of Test Results
        5.1.1 Results of Pre-test
        5.1.2 Results of post-test data
    5.2 Results of the Questionnaire
        5.2.1 Results of the First Questionnaire and Its Analysis
        5.2.2 Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire after Experiment
    5.3 Analysis of Interview Results
    5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Results of the Study
    6.2 Limitations of the Study
    6.3 Suggestions for the Further Study
Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire I
Appendix Ⅱ Questionnaire II
Appendix Ⅲ 前测作文题目
Appendix Ⅳ Raw Data from Two Tests in the Experimental Class and the ControlClass
Appendix Ⅴ Raw Data from the Interview in the Experimental Class
Appendix Ⅵ 成都中考英语作文评分标准
Appendix Ⅶ The National English Curriculum Standards
Appendix Ⅷ 英语写作教案展示一
Appendix Ⅸ 错误类型标识符号

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