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发布时间:2021-10-06 20:40
  课本是课程教学的核心素材。对于学生来讲,课本可以提供学生系统的学科知识,同时对于教师而言,课本也是辅助教师进行备课的重要依据。所以,课本在课堂学习和教学中起着至关重要的作用。因此,针对山东版高中英语《新标准》教材进行分析是十分必要的。阅读理解是高中英语学习重要的环节之一,同时也在英语学科高考试卷中占有相当大的比重,因此,在高中英语学习阶段,教师和学生都非常重视对英语阅读理解的训练和提升。然而,根据多种调查显示,虽然英语阅读理解得到相当高的重视,高中生在阅读理解方面仍然存在各种各样的问题,其中值得一提的就是很多学生甚至教师经常忽略副词性关联词语的存在及其重要性。根据Quirk R,et al.(1985),赵元任(1979)以及原苏荣(2011)的相关研究,我们不难发现副词性关联词语是组织语篇、使其语意连贯的重要手段之一。所以副词性关联词语不仅可以反映句子和段落之间的逻辑关系,同时也可以暗示作者在语篇中所抒发的情感和写作意图,而这些都可以直接影响读者基于文章的理解和思考。因此,本文专注于分析山东版高中英语《新标准》教材阅读语篇中副词性关联词语的应用情况,并进一步调查研究基于此教材,山东省... 


【文章页数】:115 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 Current Situation of the New Standard English for Senior High School Students(Shandong Edit.)
        1.1.2 The Necessity of Application of Adverbial Conjunctions in English Textbooks
    1.2 Research Objectives and Significance
    1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Adverbial Conjunctions
        2.1.1 Definition and Judging Benchmarks of Adverbial Conjunctions
        2.1.2 The Range of Adverbial Conjunctions
        2.1.3 Classification of Adverbial Conjunctions
        2.1.4 Cohesive Functions of Adverbial Conjunctions
    2.2 Related Theories on Reading Comprehension
        2.2.1 Definition of Reading Comprehension
        2.2.2 Classification of Reading Comprehension
        2.2.3 The Current Reading Models in Reading Comprehension
    2.3 Theoretical Bases
        2.3.1 The Theory of Cohesion
        2.3.2 Krashen's Input Hypothesis
        2.3.3 The Requirement of English Curriculum Standard
    2.4 The Inspirations from the Previous Study
Chapter 3 The Investigation of Adverbial Conjunctions in New Standard English for Senior High School Students(Shandong Edit.)
    3.1 Statistics of Occurrence Frequency of ACs in Reading Discourses of New Standard English for Senior High School Students(Shandong Edit.)
        3.1.1 The Occurrence Frequency of ACs in Reading Discourses in Different Volumes of New Standard English for Senior High School Students(Shandong Edit.)
        3.1.2 The Analysis of the Occurrence Frequency of ACs in Reading Discourses of New Standard English for Senior High School Students(Shandong Edit.)
    3.2 Statistics of Different Types of ACs' Distribution in Reading Discourses in New Standard English for Senior High School Students(Shandong Edit.)
Chapter 4 The Application Experiment of ACs to New Standard English for Senior High School Students(Shandong Edit.)
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Research Subjects
    4.3 Research Methodology
        4.3.1 Literature Research Method
        4.3.2 Data Statistics
        4.3.3 Questionnaire
        4.3.4 Experiment
    4.4 Research Process
        4.4.1 Collecting Questionnaires
        4.4.2 Teaching Experiment Process
    4.5 Data Analysis of Questionnaires
        4.5.1 Data Analysis of the Students' Questionnaire 1
        4.5.2 Data Analysis of the Teachers' Questionnaire
        4.5.3 Data Analysis of the Students' Questionnaire 2
    4.6 Data Analysis of Tests
        4.6.1 Data Analysis of Pre-test
        4.6.2 Data Analysis of Post-test
        4.6.3 Data Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test in EC
        4.6.4 Data Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test in CC
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Pedagogic Implications
    5.3 Limitations of the Present Study
    5.4 Suggestions for Future Study
    Appendix Ⅰ:List of Abbreviations
    Appendix Ⅱ:The Statistics Table of ACs in NSE
    Appendix Ⅲ:The Students' Questionnaire 1
    Appendix Ⅳ:The Teachers' Questionnaire
    Appendix Ⅴ:The Students' Questionnaire 2
    Appendix Ⅵ:The Teaching Process of ACs in NSE
    Appendix Ⅶ:The Pre-test Reading Material
    Appendix Ⅷ:The Post-test Reading Material

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