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发布时间:2021-11-06 23:35


【文章页数】:106 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background information of the study
        1.1.1 The introduction of Er Ya
        1.1.2 The value of translating Shiqi into English
    1.2 Research questions and methodology
        1.2.1 Research questions
        1.2.2 Research methodology
        1.2.3 Organization of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature review
    2.1 Studies on Shiqi text
    2.2 Studies on translation semiotics
        2.2.1 Studies on translation semiotics by Western scholars
        2.2.2 Studies on translation semiotics by Chinese scholars
        2.2.3 Studies on how to translate ancient Chinese implements properly
Chapter Three The process of intralingual translation
    3.1 The scope of intralingual translation in translating Shiqi of Er Ya
    3.2 Analysis of the primary annotations of Shiqi of Er Ya
        3.2.1 Guo Pu's direct annotation
        3.2.2 Xing Bing's and Hao Yixing's supplementary annotations
        3.2.3 References in modern time
    3.3 Analysis on the source text
        3.3.1 Categorization of the content of Shiqi of Er Ya
        3.3.2 Definienda and definientia in Shiqi of Er Ya
        3.3.3 The interpretive terms and sentence patterns of Shiqi of Er Ya
        3.3.4 The methods for explaining in Shiqi of Er Ya
Chapter Four The process of interlingual translation
    4.1 Specific methods employed in translating definienda and definientia in Shiqi of Er Ya
    4.2 English translation mode of sentence patterns in Shiqi of Er Ya
    4.3 Methods for the equivalence of pragmatic meaning between the source language and the target language in translating Shiqi of Er Ya
        4.3.1 Contexts and the translation process
        4.3.2 The communication way of high-context culture and low-context culture
Chapter Five The process of intersemiotic translation
    5.1 The necessity of applying intersemiotic translation to translate ancient Chinese classics
    5.2 Employing pictures of the implements in translating Shiqi of Er Ya
        5.2.1 Main sources of the pictures
        5.2.2 Specific ways of presenting pictures of the implements
    5.3 Applying the pictographic nature of Chinese characters to intersemiotic translation
    5.4 The mode of the translation process of Shiqi of Er Ya
Chapter Six Conclusions
    6.1 Major findings and implications
    6.2 Limitations and suggestions for future study
    Chinese counterparts of some titles of books and articles in the thesis

[1]多模态视角下的典籍漫画外译策略[J]. 杨纯芝,覃俐俐.  乐山师范学院学报. 2018(07)
[2]基于符号翻译学的中国典籍英译策略——从语言符号和非语言符号翻译之视角评《周易》三个英译本[J]. 张新民.  上海翻译. 2018(03)
[3]翻译符号学的文本阐释模式[J]. 潘琳琳.  外国语文. 2018(03)
[4]大英博物馆文物解说词对中国文物英译的启示[J]. 邱大平.  中国翻译. 2018(03)
[5]让文物“活起来”——浅谈新时期博物馆文物宣传策略[J]. 李梦柳.  文物鉴定与鉴赏. 2018(06)
[6]以蔡志忠典籍漫画《孔子说》在美国的译介谈符际翻译[J]. 黄广哲,朱琳.  上海翻译. 2018(01)
[7]《尔雅·释器》生产器具类词语探析[J]. 何荣,王玲娟.  保定学院学报. 2018(01)
[8]文化预设与中国神话的多模态互文重构——以《山海经》英译为例[J]. 王敏,罗选民.  中国外语. 2017(03)
[9]从符号学看翻译[J]. 寇福明,吕红周.  外语教学. 2017(02)
[10]现代汉字的象形特点与现实意义[J]. 郭敏.  沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2017(01)

[1]基于文本互文性分析计算的典籍翻译研究[D]. 姜怡.大连理工大学 2010

[1]先秦时期出土皮革制品的相关问题研究[D]. 彭波.陕西师范大学 2013




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