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发布时间:2021-11-20 02:11
  对于大多数高中生来说,英语写作中动词的使用错误现象五花八门,严重影响着学生整体英语水平的提高。动词是英语句子中最核心的成分之一,但是目前大多数动词错误研究主要是以大学生的写作文本为研究对象,因此有必要对高中学生英语写作中动词使用情况进行研究以更好地了解高中生英语写作中动词的习得状况。本研究目的在于运用中介语理论,错误分析理论,对收集的四川省巴中市某中学高二年级第二学期期末考试中不同英语写作水平学生的225份写作样本进行统计分析。依据中国学习者英语语料库中动词错误类型的标准,利用语料库软件Ant Cont3.23RC2w对样本中的动词错误进行统计分析后再利用SPSS对各类动词错误进行频数分析和方差分析。结合数据分析的结果与调查问卷和访谈的结果,本研究试图回答以下三个问题:1.高中学生英语写作中动词错误频率如何?2.不同写作水平高中生在英语写作中动词错误频率上是否存在差异?如果有,主要在哪些方面?3.影响高中生英语写作中动词错误的因素有哪些?通过对数据分析发现:首先,与其他学者对大学生写作中动词错误的研究结果相比较,高中学生写作中动词错误频数高于10%的动词错误数更多,在本研究中主谓一致错... 


【文章页数】:87 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Research
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
    1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Verb errors
    2.2 Theoretical Foundation
        2.2.1 Interlanguage Theory
        2.2.2 Error Analysis Theory
    2.3 Research Status of Verb Errors at Home and Abroad
        2.3.1 Research on Verb Errors Abroad
        2.3.2.Research on Verb Errors in China
Chapter Three Research Design
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Ant Conc3.2.3RC2w
        3.3.3 Questionnaire
        3.3.4 Interview
    3.4 Research Procedures
        3.4.1 Sample Collection
        3.4.2 Sample Input
        3.4.3 Identification and Corpus Encoding of Verb Errors
        3.4.4 The Retrieval and Analysis of Verb Errors
        3.4.5 Questionnaire for Students
        3.4.6 Interview with Students
    3.5 Data Collection
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Types and Rate Distribution of Verb Errors
        4.1.1 Agreement Error
        4.1.2 Finite Error
        4.1.3 Set Phrase Error
        4.1.4 Tense Error
        4.1.5 Non-finite Error
        4.1.6 Pattern Error
        4.1.7 Modal Error
        4.1.8 Voice Error
        4.1.9 Mood Error
        4.1.10 Discussion
    4.2 Comparison of Verb Errors among Students at Different Writing Levels
        4.2.1 Comparison of Agreement Errors
        4.2.2 Comparison of Finite Errors
        4.2.3 Comparison of Set Phrase Errors
        4.2.4 Comparison of Tense Errors
        4.2.5 Comparison of Non-finite Errors
        4.2.6 Comparison of Pattern Errors
        4.2.7 Comparison of Modal Errors
        4.2.8 Comparison of Voice Errors
        4.2.9 Comparison of mood Errors
        4.2.10 Discussion
    4.3 Analysis and Discussion of Questionnaire
        4.3.1 Reliability and Validity Analysis of the Questionnaire
        4.3.2 Analysis and Discussion of Questionnaire Data
    4.4 Analysis and Discussion of Students’Interview Results
    4.5 Factors Affecting Verb Errors in Students’English Writing
        4.5.1 Interlingual Transfer
        4.5.2 Intralingual Transfer
        4.5.3 Students’Emotional Attitude towards English Writing
        4.5.4 Students’Learning Strategies in English Writing
        4.5.5 Students’English Knowledge Level
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 The Main Findings
    5.2 Pedagogical Implications
        5.2.1 Strengthen the Training of Agreement Errors
        5.2.2 Apply Differentiated Teaching for Different Verb Errors
        5.2.3 Cultivate Students’Interests
        5.2.4 Urge Students to Develop Learning Habits
        5.2.5 Build A Small Corpus and Strengthen Error-correction Training
    5.3 Limitations and Suggestions
    Appendix A
    Appendix B
    Appendix C
    Appendix D
    Appendix E




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